Drive Doc's car and report back. Hell, even ride in it.
I get it. We all have a car that we made memories in. Shit, mine was a 1992 Tercelol. It's the car I had pre-CR and the one I took to all the weekend meetups on Sawmill/Hooters/Kroger/all the hidden spots races were at, my now wife of nearly 14 years and I started dating when I had it, and I took so many road trips with buddies in that little piece of shit. I loved it. I didn't care what all the F-Body mullet homos and civic ricer fags though. I was in love with that gay little car. As a matter of fact on the way home yesterday I saw a Tercel and a flood of good memories came back.
Guess what? I wouldn't own one if it were given to me.
Stop letting emotions keep you from bettering yourself or, in this case, your vehicle situation. I would bet that if you drove/bought Docs car in less than a years time you'll never want an RX8 again.
Keep the good memories and realize that any material thing can be the source of happiness but cannot always retain that level of joy.
You told Kerry not to read but Kerry literally cannot NOT impose his opinion on others even when it is specifically asked of him by name to avoid doing so. Aside from his tirade about your emotions he's right on the driving it first. I bet within 5 mins of driving Docs car you no longer feel the exact same.