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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Bob Barkers dead. He's on strings. Dane Cook said it himself. I still and always will hate that show though.
  2. I'd agree. If it were me buying a tv, I'd go for the DLP. The Samsungs in my opinion are just sex. Though, I still can't afford nor would justify the price for fact I barely watch tv.
  3. I think they do O.D. because my Borla was said to be 2.25 but when I measured the I.D. is was 2.0".
  4. Mr. Wright Word to the wise. Those 65" tv's fit into nothing but a truck. People attempt to throw them in their suv's. :rolls eyes: That is old technology though. You'd be better getting a dlp, lcd, or plasma.
  5. Damn. That's just badass. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/128377/be_a_happy_couple/ ROFLMAO! Someone lost their balls.
  6. I used Bosch for a while, but switched over to Motorcraft. According to that sight they're alright filters to use. Sweet. I always knew Fram was junk though.
  7. Lol wtf? So it's actually now more difficult to obey driving laws when you have a car with "sporting qualities?" That's why everyone breaks the law, shit, I wish my car had "sporting qualities." "It's not my fault officer! My car has "sporting qualities. (wink wink)"
  8. nice boring after a while. i managed to write "buttsechs" before it was destroyed.
  9. Full syn is great stuff, it's what I've always used. The oil gets dirty (not even that dirty with a good filter), but the oil always looks fresh at 5k. I still change em both, but the oil holds its viscocity a LOT longer then normal dino oil. http://neptune.spacebears.com/images/stories/lifee400.jpg ^ I've done that before. It sucks hardcore, but hey. My parents garage is more of a storage room. I'm not sure cars were ever parked in it.
  10. That's hot as hell. Is your brother really THAT responsible? *waiting for wrecked pics*
  11. Kitties... hilarious. No. Bright red with white stripes!
  12. Can we really jump on it? I've always wanted to jump up and down on top of a car, especially those damn beetles. Actually test the structural integrity of it's "arch"
  13. I got pulled over for apparently crossing the white line. Extremely tired long drive home late at night, the officer thought I was high. :shrugs: You could smell something burning, but it was like garbage or wood. He kept trying to prove I had "paraphanelia" (insurance papers, locking lug key, etc.) then finally gave up and said good night... I don't even smoke, anything!
  14. That's true. It's not like he could get you on dui anyway since you weren't.
  15. I can't stand that show. The theme song pisses me off.
  16. That's what I used back in Jr. High. That table saw scared the hell outta me.
  17. Awesome. I don't know the sound ordinance laws, but I guess he'd have to test it to prove if it was too loud. Was that really the extent of the conversation?
  18. I'm the only one who works on my car, with the help of the father, though I don't "build it". Just general maintenance and modifications. Honestly, who gives a shit? If you have the money and you don't know what the fuck your doing why not let a mechanic make a few bucks? Sometimes the work is beyond the scope of the said persons tools, knowledge, abililty... I don't see the big deal. Why don't you build your own house? Why don't you mow your own grass? Did you build your own pc? Some people do. You always have other people that will do it for money and are usually better/quicker and comes with a possible warranty.
  19. How are you suppposed to get experience if you don't have a degree? Get lucky? Pretty much. It can work both ways, I remember hearing when I was younger about some punk ass kid just out of college getting paid higher wages just because they had a degree then the said employee with "x" amount of years experience. It depends on what you want in life. Anyone can make a living without a high school degree, though the odds are highly likely it will be a less "material" life.
  20. I thought my graphics were sweet. Halo for pc? I haven't played that in forever. Nate, you whore, bf2!!! I was pissed about SF, Armored Fury looks pretty sweet though. Maybe I'll buy it.
  21. Why I'm not having kids for a quite a while. Glad to hear everything worked out. They just look like 3 little migraines to me. Lol.
  22. You basically need a degree for a lot of companies to even talk to you. It opens tons of doors. I'm finding the degree isn't helping much because I don't have any experience in my field. It does get me the interview though, which I woudln't have without it. It's starting to piss me off though. I need a shoe in.
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