I'm pretty sure I saw that guy up at Krogers one night.. he lives here? That thing is really clean, like the way he painted the rear black. It confused me at first...
Did you see the thing where Al Queda or w/e group of Muslims it was that said Allah called the hurricane on New Orleans... going so far as to calling it 'terrorist Katrina'... wtf?
Ha ha.. so i heard they renamed New Orleans... to Venice :nod: no?
A little boy was lost at a large shopping mall.
He approached a uniformed security guard and said, "I've lost my grandpa!"
The cop asked, "What's he like?"
The little boy replied, "Jack Daniels and women with big boobs."
Awesome song. I've liked those guys since my freshman year in hs when they came out w/ Sugar...
I'm not quite sure i understand the video though.. pretty crazy.
Ha ha.. yea. Waiting on funds, will do exactly that. Possibly a subtle Wings West kit as well and I'll be happy. Anyone get decent prices on Ground Controls?
Thanks guys. They're Konig Hurry's.. 18's maybe would have looked a bet better, but I stayed w/ the 17's, and at only 16.5 lbs a piece.. they're pretty light.
Whaddya think? Yay... Nay.
http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/6008/rims35eo.th.jpg http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/3316/rims65zw.th.jpg
http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/7348/rims129ti.th.jpg http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/2927/rims137qd.th.jpg
Just a few quick pics... something must have been on the lens since it seems there's a blurry spot on each pic.. .and i forgot to remove the date.
Old rim.
Eh... yea, that's still pretty expensive for the year and mileage of the car.