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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Lol. Ok. I was just assuming by the other post a few threads down.
  2. I thought mormons couldn't drink, at least that's what Family Guy taught me.
  3. What does everyone else get for average bandwidth. My roadrunner always sucks ever since I moved. I used to get about 2-3mb average. Now it's around 1mb, if i'm lucky two.
  4. Lol. Nice. I don't really understand some people, but still funny.
  5. Martin Luther King jr. Your people have done so much.
  6. I don't like that genre of music... kinda dumb.
  7. Cougar1647545494


    Awesome video. I wish there were more like it. I'm tired of all the negative press. Good luck.
  8. Anyone know any cheaper prices on the x-calibrator 2, I can only find it for 450 with a custom tuned program.
  9. Christopher Jackson... tame your room mate. Bump... yogurt/pudding wtf ever.
  10. http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/1462.html old people/reporters :thumbdown
  11. Coogar. N8 and I along with a few other guys play every so often, well, used to. I might get back into it again.
  12. Werd. Even though there's a lot of Browns fans in Columbus, I'm from Cincinnati, so obviously I always root for the Bengals. That stadiums nice as fuck too.
  13. Repost, and still dumb. I would NOT want to be in that... EVER. They design cars to crumple like they do to take as much of the impact as possible. For the retarded.... People > Cars @ least as car industry standards go. Depends on the person I suppose.
  14. What... The... ... :head explodes:
  15. ...and most importantly. It functions to do it's original purpose, haul shit around. Well I think so (maybe not?)
  16. Chuck Norris is highly offended, best be careful out there.
  17. Yup. That's right, but there's no way anyone could beat me. I have fucking Chuck Norris under my hood.
  18. I'm not telling you my secret, but if you think you know fast, you don't. What you think is fast, is actually slow as all hell. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9931/472rwhp0gj.jpg Let's do this for slips. Anyone? Roll, Dig, Sprayed, F/I, N/A.. it doesn't matter. You bitches are mine.
  19. Sounds good to me! TTT
  20. That was ghey tarded. BF2 is far better, though I don't really play at all anymore.
  21. Some sort of Focus Zx3? I accidentally closed the page out instead of some damn advertisement. Eh...
  22. Mmmmm.... bacteria. Yum yum
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