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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. That's like.. everywhere I'm always at. Too bad I dont' drink and drive. I <3 my car/life/freedom too much.
  2. I haven't done it since like the second grade, but I still know how to do it! Yea. Nice!
  3. Cripple fight!!! He seriously can't shift.. unless it's fast and furious to bounce your tach? Shit i drive an auto, hell if i know.
  4. I thought they were for stereo systems as well. Anyway, I'd like to have his seats, possibly his rims, but I'm sure he'll just dump it. I honestly think it can be patched up.
  5. I wonder how many died. That sucks
  6. This is from the newcougar.org forums. Apparently someone got drunk and set this guys poor car on fire, why he did it I have no clue. Started three fires, the front, back, and drivers side using gasoline. Seems pretty personal. The guys friend or girlfriend apparently turned him in. He's being chased by the military now apparently for AWOL and going to be tried for Arson. It's just sad it's another 35th Ann Ed Cougar. There were only 3500 made in the last year of production. ('02, same as the camaro 35th's). A fraction of them the unique satin silver. http://www.lugg.net/deadcougar/
  7. nice. 'tis the season to shut the fuck up and stop being a little whiney bitch ....score!
  8. I hear ya man. This is the slowest I've ever driven, the car's just like 'not uh, i do what I want' Headed home to get my all-seasons and the heavier wheels, hope I make it. This is just damn right scary. Be safe out there guys.
  9. How do they just out of the blue find a void, or are they always doing tests I suppose?
  10. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1950/231focus5ub.jpg http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/4629/33265735full4on.jpg Ha ha.. I just love putting that up now.
  11. Heads up. If it cost's 20-40 bucks... it's not worth the buy. Chances of return is high.
  12. that's prolly why. No carbon to burn out. The damn egr on these cars dirties up our intake manifold pretty good, lots of gunk. It can actually end up sticking our secondary valves shut which equals shit power. Throw it in the vacuum line right behind the tb. Lots of white smoke, but runs like a champ afterwards. I need to do this again soon. Easier then taking off your intake manifold.
  13. Ouch. That sucks, very sad. Where was this at on Powell, before or after 315 going to Polaris? I've never been past 315.
  14. That's around where I was at last night, but I headed back to Columbus around 9ish. Yea, my abs kicked on like 4 times, that's more in a night then I think i've ever used it. Not near as bad as last winter (that ice storm sucked balls), but these soft summer tires do NO good whatsoever.
  15. Seriously? Ouch dude. This world's fucked up sometimes.
  16. Sweet. That blow off sounds awesome. Sweet car man.
  17. I want some, next time a ricer pulls a knife I'll be like what biotch?
  18. First time I only drove to exit 50 (wilmington).. no cops, and I've found that's when most people speed up from the usual 75 and sometimes getting up to 90-95mph! Second time I only went to 275, i think i saw one cop facing the other way. No hot plate syndrome, i believe em. I just paced 3-4 other cars that were speeding. Still dumb, yes, much safer, no. Oh well.
  19. interested to see how much power i'm putting down... 17.2....... wtf!?
  20. Drove down and back Thursday, down again Saturday, and back up today. Didn't see a single cop, and I flew.
  21. Are you on crack? Learn how to set your controls, you CAN toggle your weapons w/ the wheel mouse. The prone/crouch/stand up thing.. if you wanna be prone, your prone, if you wanna stand up, your up, if you wanna crouch, press crouch, who cares, just press the designated button like most other games are. The health thing i agree with, makes it too easy and kinda boring. The graphics! Your insane to say they don't "feel" better, they kick ass. http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/592/shot00192pg.jpg
  22. Ha ha. Hope he doesn't have a knife! Good news to know. Thanks.
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