Chuck Norris doesn't get invited to participate in orgies, orgies get invited to participate with Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris was talking in full sentences, walking and running, and fully potty-trained at the incredibly young age of six months. He learned all of these feats approximately six months after mastering 'the roundhouse kick.'
In 1954, the Japanese government decided to pay tribute to Chuck Norris and made a biographical film about his life. They titled it "Godzilla".
Due to political correctness, U.S. currency will now read "In Chuck Norris We Trust."
At a press conference, a reporter asked Chuck Norris if he spoke any foreign languages. Chuck then roundhouse kicked the reporter in the face, killing him instantly. He then turned to the audience and said "I speak two languages, English and Roundhouse-Kick-to-the-Face."
Ares, the Greek God of war and Athena, the Greek Goddess of war produced a son together. They called him "Chuck Norris the Greek God of Roundhouse Kick".
Chuck Norris was sick only once. They called that era "The Cold War."
The average man can use a razor 7-10 times to shave his face. Chuck Norris uses 7-10 razors to shave around his beard.
Chuck Norris once slept with an under aged 15 year old girl. He was three at the time.
In the event of an emergency, Chuck Norris can inflate his lungs and his chest can be used as a flotation device.
Chuck Norris doesn't go to the bar to pick up women. He goes to the bar to pick out women.
Chuck Norris is not racist. He hates all races, ethnicities, and nationalities the same. Except for the French. He hates them more.
bitches.. worthiness test.
Delta Force worthy, but I was shortly killed thereafter by a roundhouse kick for not being the best.