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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. I am selling a bushnell AR scope 3-12x40 with AR mounts. Pm me. I'll make you a deal if you buy it today. It is in line with the Nikon p223 but has more magnification. It looks cool too. Engraved knobs and all.
  2. I think I want to take the CCW class Joe. when is the next one?
  3. 340.00 after MIR. I thought I got a deal at 380.00 at Cabela's with the MIR and a coupon. http://www.slickguns.com/product/eotech%C2%AE-xps2-0-sight-391-after-coupon-members-only
  4. I will sell you an FDE matched set..... I think im gonna part this gun out https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/t1/1479454_10102030396027114_837705268_n.jpg
  5. For the record (regarding the Mosin) I don't know the first thing about them actually... I prefer aluminum guns, or steel guns that were bent from receiver flats... I shot a Mauser yesterday, it was fun... but not for long. as for the fanboy comment... haven't we been over that already? and you "tucked-in" your loud mouth? that's how I remember it. I think he was making excuses for them....
  6. making an argument for why you like your well-kept-sniper-scope (450.00 dollar) mosin nagant is basically the same as "being a troll asking to be trolled". Amiright?
  7. The VEPR shoots 54R surplus ammo! I had the pleasure of shooting one two Saturdays ago as well as today. I like that round! I'd never own a mosin though. Not my cup of tea.
  8. Cool stock! I like the sling mount location! Glws
  9. I have 78 rounds of 38super. Remington 130G 35.00 Bob, Polaris 330-464-077four
  10. S/W is about 1200-1300 new. I have a CMMG and I like it a lot. Had to work out a kink early on... but I am happy now. this is their cheap one http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=381680399 this is their nicer one, which I have. has a Geissle trigger. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=381682292 Also, these look cool... but I have no EXP with them. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=381635079
  11. could not be happier! If you can get them when sellers run their 400-off discount I would suggest getting one for 1200.00-ish. Always remember though, you can build a really cool gun for 800-1000. I have guns that I built that I like a lot too. EDIT 1 - thank you mojoe EDIT 2 - SOLD
  12. Barely used, comes with all original stuff like magnifier and papers. SOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD to the handsome guy in the Subaru!!!
  13. I would glady be the back counter moderator and clean up all garbage.
  14. Aptly named title, Welcome to my thread! I cannot decide which I like better. Does anyone have experience with any of these? Opinions welcome as well. Magpul FIXED Carbine Stock (I love the simplistic look of this stock) http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/trixiebud/magpulstock_zpse7b42810.jpg MFT Minimalist Stock http://i0.wp.com/gunmartblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/1110115.jpg EFX A1 stock http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6018/5966985513_e55aff8541.jpg
  15. Why start a debate in my thread about the resilience of hardwood scratching vs engineered, laminate, etc... I am going with 3/4 hardwood and zero exceptions. Can we jump back on topic? please?
  16. seems to be about 7.00 a sq foot at menards. http://www.menards.com/main/flooring/hardwood-flooring/hardwood-flooring/prefinished-brazilian-cherry-solid-hardwood-flooring-3-4-x-3-1-4/p-1649464-c-12448.htm
  17. Carpet is everywhere except for the laundry room. it is linoleum. the wood is prefinished. I like the 3.25 stuff too... BUT, I already have 2.25 stuff in my kitchen (same wood). I wanted to keep it unified. THOUGH, the kitchen wood doesn't touch the new wood (so you technically couldn't tell the difference).
  18. here's what I am working with. I am looking to do 3/4 inch Brazilian cherry (2.25 or 3.25 wide). I have about 400 SQ feet to cover. I was planning on getting the wood from lumber liquidators @ 4.16 per square foot unless you know of a cheaper source. I am DEAD SET on doing 3/4 inch thick wood. heres the wood http://www.lumberliquidators.com/ll/c/Brazilian-Cherry-R.L.-Colston-BC2S/10001404 And there is also this @ 5.50.. IS BELLAWOOD that much better? http://www.lumberliquidators.com/ll/c/Select-Brazilian-Cherry-BELLAWOOD-HUSBC3SV/10003753 here is a pic of my floor plan, I want to cover the 295, 50, and 51 marked areas. it will be about 400 sq feet. So I figured I'd order 440 sq ft. let me know how much you would charge to do 400 feet. its a room, a hallway, and a laundry room.
  19. Hi guys, I am looking to cover my first floor in hardwood. 1. Does anyone have Justin "truckins" number. he laid some tile for me a few years back and I lost his number. 2. Or, do you know anyone who will take a medium sized job 600-700 SQ FT for 2.00-2.50 a Sq foot? I assume the standard going rate is 2.50-3.00. Thanks, all referrals appreciated.
  20. ^^^ that's pretty cool! even if its small time. its great!!
  21. I haven't said anything yet on here or anywhere else. I will say this, I wish it was just another stupid hoax. I also heard he was a good dude in real life and gave back. That earns points in my book considering all the celebs who are bad people. Paul Walker is one of these celebs who you think "If we were in highschool or college we would have been friends". To all the people who say "you didn't know him, why are you sad". I say this: 1. He was a member and lover of the car community. 2. Regardless of your views on FF movies they touched all of us in some way. 3. Respect your own kind (humanity) by knowing that someone out there who did know him personally is grieving. This is not a time to mock, slander, or make fun of the situation. It is a time to say something nice or abstain from speaking. Your parents should have taught you that.....Anything else is classless.
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