Really cute. Just a word of warning, if your kid is like mine and wants to "work" on the car. Only give her screw drivers, hammers, ect. Nothing that will cut wires!!! He didn't cut the wires to his jeep, but I would not put it past him.
Meg posting
yep your straight 20-30 psi on the low side running 100-300 psi on the high side depending on temp and model pressure should equalize when the car is off
corner of hamilton and groves both gas stations carry what you want from 100 on up I can get the woman to check on aviation fuel at work but I think its more expensive and you have to add top cylinder lube to it
this place looks ok I don't see any kind of kit so you'll have to match up your own parts looks like they carry all the basic stuff and also aftermarket control arms etc....
good maybe if all the big money goes away they might start racing stock appearing cars again instead of theses fiberglass hot wheels replica racecars they have now
I would stay with some kind of adjustable strut so you can switch to a softer setting for the street unless you want to spend big money to adjust the roll center of the car don't lower more than 1-1.5" bigger sway bars sticky tires heavy duty link pins and swaybar bushings and then you can change your control arm bushings and stuff out for urethane stuff
thats the basics I'd buy a kit from a dsm place so you get a matched set of parts