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Everything posted by Dave1647545494

  1. hopefully this is posted in the wrong section
  2. http://motors.shop.ebay.com/Cars-Trucks___W0QQBodyTypebe9b8ef8ZPickupTruckc465f1bbQQModelYearf0c65f14Z1900172228Q7c1901172229Q7c190217222aQ7c190317222bQ7c190417222cQ7c190517222dQ7c190617222eQ7c190717222fQ7c1908172230Q7c1909172231Q7c1910172247Q7c1911172248Q7c1912172249Q7c191317224aQ7c191417224bQ7c191517224cQ7c191617224dQ7c191717224eQ7c191817224fQ7c1919172250Q7c1920172266Q7c1921172267Q7c1922172268Q7c1923172269Q7c192417226aQ7c192517226bQ7c192617226cQ7c192717226dQ7c192817226eQ7c192917226fQ7c1930172285Q7c1931172286Q7c1932172287Q7c1933172288Q7c1934172289Q7c193517228aQ7c193617228bQ7c193717228cQ7c193817228dQ7c193917228e couple in here that fit your price range couple of ok 29 model A's
  3. just like a buick then only way cheaper this is going to be fun.....
  4. Damn. I say give up and go back to bed.
  5. you'll pay more than 2k for a rusted out hulk in field I'll keep an eye out but really old stuff is getting hard to find and expensive
  6. grab a wheel off of a third gen or an s10 at the junkyard?
  7. just get a reman caliper then s10 parts are cheap that caliper shouldn't cost more than 20 bucks
  8. still waiting on video and how exactly an entire rearend got through an 8ft chainlink fence
  9. all I posted is what dan told me why would he care if he was on camera if he was told it was ok to take it? if its really stolen then he got what he deserved I simply posted the other side when dan got banned befroe he could defend himself I could honestly care less who did what, I just wanted both sides out there. if you have video showing him actually breaking in post it and I'll stop defending him
  10. when I built my buicks I always set it up so that the piston was flush with the top edge of the head gasket to get all the compression out of the motor I could I'm looking for recomendations becuase this is a ford not a buick
  11. just beat it everytime you find it clawing something it doesn't take long for the cat to learn....
  12. I'd do an n/a 4 rotor if I was into mazdas
  13. if you want a 4cylinder turbo car I'll make you a good deal on a mustang
  14. I can look into it. if its power you may have to buy the whole thing
  15. WOW I just posted the other side. I'm not even involved in this chevy mess, and you say some shit like that.... if you want to fight go join a gym. +1 for ban
  16. Coffee, tea or mt. dew. The more caffeine the better it opens your constricted blood vessels and relieves the pain.
  17. I'll post the other side, since dan (drummer919) was never allowed to defend himself before he got banned I know Dan pretty well and he doesn't seem like that type of guy to me anyway Dan said that he called you to let you know he was coming and that you told him that you had something come up and had to leave but to go ahead and take the rearend and you guys would settle up in a couple days. Dan also said that when he met you to give you the money that you punched him in the face for no reason and then got in your car and drove off... my .02 is that you also need banned untill this mess gets sorted out my feelings at this point are that you owe dan an apology for slander and I guess you better hope he doesn't press assault charges
  18. sweet lemme know .040 isn't much I'd be more concerned if I was really going big like a long rod .060 motor
  19. call a heating and cooling contractor
  20. did it run when you pulled it? I really just need a block that can go .040 and straight crank that can go .010/.010 if the motor is good we can trade anytime....
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