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Everything posted by zuht

  1. zuht

    SCCA AutoX

    You're the one who modified the shit out of it.
  2. SOLD Red, clean, low miles (11k). I have an extra front wheel for it as well (don't know why, but the previous owner had it). Runs great, haven't had any problems with it since I bought it a year ago. Would make an excellent starter bike. Rear tire looks good, front is pretty low on tread though. Fresh oil change. $1200 - SOLD http://lh6.ggpht.com/_BOinNkSWcqQ/SNJY4lj9dxI/AAAAAAAAAJw/kfCkAREX4mg/s400/IMG_0018.JPG
  3. Yeah, I'm still there. Use the garage, or your shit will probably get broken into. It's cheap, but the maintenance sucks.
  4. NBC is calling Ohio for Obama
  5. No wait at all for me around 10:30.
  6. Panasonic 27" TV/DVD Combo - sold Playstation 2 Slim package - $90 One controller w/ 6' extension cable, 8MB memory card, S/Video + A/V cable Games: Guitar Hero 3 w/ wireless controller, original box and stickers, Devil May Cry, Tiger Woods 2005, Katamari Damacy, Gran Turismo 3, GTA: San Andreas Will separate as follows: Games (excluding GH3) $20 GH3 $30 System and accessories $40 Pics of everything: http://picasaweb.google.com/weisheimer/ForSale# PM or call 614-552-4294
  7. I also use a Comp-Tac MTAC with a Glock 26.
  8. He's referring to money you will need soon (5 yrs). This kind of advise would be aimed, for example, at people very close to retirement. Conventional wisdom is that the closer you get to taking your money out of investments, the more conservative an allocation you would want (less stocks, more bonds/money market, etc) so as to have a more predictable return. Experts at the moment (he's not the only one) are just modifying the advice a bit, saying NO stocks if you're going to need that money soon.
  9. The Onkyo HTIB systems are a good value, but you'd be over $300 (I think 4-500). They are modular, so you can upgrade components as you see fit down the line.
  10. zuht

    Awww puppah aww!!

    Poor kittah, it was just trying to do the right thing...
  11. There is a gun show at Vet's Memorial this Saturday and Sunday as well.
  12. I recently got out my gear from when I was younger. It's bleh, but it works. I go to Grigg's or O'Shaughnessy sometimes since they are around the corner. I've only caught one fish though, and lost a ton of lures to the stupid underwater logs. Still relaxing, even though I curse at the water a lot.
  13. It will not have any emulation (hardware or software), and they don't plan on bringing it back.
  14. Whippets just got a lot more interesting.
  15. Inspiration: http://picasaweb.google.com/weisheimer/Random/photo#5212956017242688690 From a fire house in Ontario where a relative works.
  16. A/C is sold, bump for the iPod
  17. My dad made biodiesel for a few years to run an old Rabbit and TDI Jetta. There are two routes you can take: Biodiesel - You start with used vegetable oil, filter it, add some chemicals, and end up with fuel that will run a diesel engine with zero modifications. You also get glycerin as a byproduct, which can work nicely as a cleaner. Notes: Seems less willing to start in cold weather, he usually used a 1:1 biodiesel/diesel mix. Exhaust smells like chinese food (or w/e they cooked in the oil). Pure oil - With modification, you can run pure vegetable oil in a diesel engine, again the typical source is filtered used cooking oil. From what I understand, you basically just need to install a fuel line heater (I believe just to bring down the viscosity). I don't think you have to do anything else, but I haven't seen it first hand so I could be wrong.
  18. You have a PM. For anyone else interested, A/C photos are at: http://picasaweb.google.com/weisheimer/PortableAC
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