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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. Nice! I am in anticipation of your next scrabble reply.
  2. Now that was an extremely interesting reply. I now see why "you are more interesting".
  3. Uuuuuuhhhhhh, yeeeaaaahhhhh, that's what it is. People just love junk yard mullets.
  4. ...and here is yours: http://logo.cafepress.com/0/215835.632560.jpg
  5. Bob, I am making my final conclusion - you are an extremely insecure individual. BTW, it sure is nice that you have finally recognized spell checker. You are now forming complete sentences, using proper punctuation, and reduced the number of overall grammatical errors greatly. This leads me back to the split personality, diagnosed previously.
  6. I almost forgot this one: DO WHAT?!!!!
  7. So let me get this correct. The words that come out of your mouth are different than those which you type? If so, we have name for this problem: it's called a split personality. I guess I need to clarify this one as well. Based on my reply above, if I had never spoke to you before (let's assume you were a mute), would I be logical to make my opinion on yourself? This reverts back to the split personality above.
  8. That's great you are abnormal in many ways. Try being normal in just one way.
  9. You can't because you are an idiot. Run your mouth when you can back it up with a little sense.
  10. You're correct Blue, he doesn't. In fact, he avoids everyone (in person). KEYBOARD WARRIOR!
  11. Well, you started by mixing the 87 octane with the 2 stroke oil. You drank some. You then pulled the cord hard, and started that mouth. You've been running ever since. Leaving an oily residue all over CR.
  12. I think someone has been pulling on that mullet too damn long. Oh, and speaking of your "old lady", I spotted you posting the following: http://home.insight.rr.com/ewtclan/pics/070901.jpg
  13. I know you have a junk yard mullet.
  14. Hahahahahaha Now that was funny!
  15. ZYUL8TR

    Who is?

    I am Mullet Rob. King of all the English K-nig-hits.
  16. This isn't Glen, you knob, it's Mullet Rob!
  17. Except for you! You barter your way through junk yards.
  18. I guess Rob was too concerned with paying his child support, for the month. He had NO money left over for the race.
  19. What is your exact address? I want to toilet paper your house.
  20. So Bob, or Rob (whatever your mullet wants to be called), let's delve into this topic. You set up a race with a buddy of yours. You, then, no-show (or show, then leave before the challenger arrives). Even your sticky tires can't plant a good explanation on this one. graemlins/lol.gif Now sit back at your 486 PC, grease up that mullet, and take a deep breath. We are about to bust you out! P.S. = That 460 Mustang is still a turd!
  21. ZYUL8TR

    Who is?

    Hmmmmm, I think I will park by the yellow Mach1 on Friday!
  22. Diiiiiiiiiiiiid someone say "redheads"? Psycho ass bitches = redheads!! (I have proof) [ 01. July 2005, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: ZYUL8TR ]
  23. NO! It's Bob, not Rob. I make the rules here, bitch. And your mate with the yellow Mustang, his name is officially Kneil (this IS the correct spelling for the intended purpose, remember "I" before "E", except after BOB, or just replace the "I" with another "E").
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