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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. You know folks. I can host a bikini party at my house. I will put up the money for the winnings!
  2. ZYUL8TR

    Hummer H3..

    Hmmmmm, could be!
  3. How about a knife fight?
  4. ZYUL8TR

    Hummer H3..

    What are your thoughts?
  5. How much for the white pillars(without the glass) and coffee table?
  6. ZYUL8TR

    NTB Nick

    FYI. Nick accepts tips for saving, you saps, money. [ 26. July 2005, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: ZYUL8TR ]
  7. Virtually speaking: gearhead559 Dial: 12.03 R/T: 0.569 E.T.: 12.036 MPH: 112.26 ZYUL8TR Dial: 11.64 R/T: 0.509 E.T.: 11.704 MPH: 87.62 ZYUL8TR takes the stripe by 0.002/sec. Robby cries!
  8. I used to care about bracket racing. NTR pissed me off for the last time last year. I am done with it for a while. I am in the market for a '69 Chevelle. One that is already certified, has the good parts, beautiful paint job, and runs 10.0's. I would like to run Pro again, in the points program, at Kilkare.
  9. Must have been a blue 1990 LX Mustang with junk yard 460 motor. It is the only Mustang on here capable of high speeds.
  10. Since when do imports race "heads up"?
  11. .....is a drag racing retard! Discuss!
  12. That's good, At least someone else can admit that Bobs' car can hit 100mph at some point.
  13. Now, come on tards. I know you all represent Columbus Public.
  14. Figured! A little advice for Bob: spend less on pot, invest more.
  15. ZYUL8TR

    Dig or Roll?

  16. It would be considered a debate if you fought back with a logical response. You replied "whats it to you ASS".
  17. OMG! Were you one the participating students which contributed to the 71%, of which, failed to pass the state test in the Columbus Public Schools?
  18. WOW! That's all I have to say on that! WOW! You REALLY are an idiot.
  19. Good one Bobby! Let's see if that mullet can untangle itself long enough for a little debate. When will American Justice be calling you for a second episode?
  20. Bob means this: "My wallet keeps running away from the cheeks pocket in my jeans. It keeps trying to find a friend that can fill it up."
  21. Bob, your car couldn't trap 100mph even if it was pushed down a 5200 foot hill. Besides, you need not purchase fuel these days. You have child support to pay. [ 20. July 2005, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: ZYUL8TR ]
  22. ZYUL8TR

    Dig or Roll?

    Top 9 ways to tell Matt is from the west side. 1st: West side English 101 - "Yo. Wus up mutha fucka? Dibs on the yo crack dog. WORD!". 2nd: He loves those sleeveless T's. 3rd: His pants haven't seen a waistline. 4th: Cigarettes are a MUST! 5th: "She's a 2 at 10pm, but DAMN, once that Busch Light starts talking, she's a 10 by 2am." 6th: He only races 13 second rides by giving them 15 cars. 7th: He got those tats from the jailhouse while doing his 3-5 stint for posession. 8th: "That ain't a limp, it's my striiiiide!" 9th: "Why spend 30k on a car, when I can get my 5K dollar bike in the 10's. 2 wheels are pimp." BTW Matty, I will see you out!
  23. ZYUL8TR

    Dig or Roll?

    We must all welcome the next foul mouth ass to join the board. His name is Matt. He enjoys long walks in the grassy meadows while wearing his pirate patch. Matt is a gender bender. Matt was once caught shaking his weiner in front of the ladies auxillary club. Just call him Matt.
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