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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. It is "too" not "to". Should read: Too bad I'm not even near the Bottoms or the Hilltop!"
  2. ZYUL8TR


    Am I looking to make a purchase? Is "the way fuck you" a book, a movie, or an object of some sort? Do you have a cost? Rob, in case you are lost, the fragment should read: By the way, fuck you Glenn!
  3. Before you realize the factual meaning? Before you demote yourself to the world of depression? Before you feel the strength of 1000 raging mullets?
  4. Seems to be a lot of anger and profanity exerted this morning. The Hilltop and The Bottoms must be at war.
  5. No need to, because this is better: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18075
  6. Rob (this man): http://www.homohomeshow.com/bbq/patty_mullet.jpg was found masturbating to this: http://whitetrash.net/media/images/1/56-mullet.jpg while his friends were awaiting his next time trial: http://whitetrash.net/media/images/1/94-trash_concert%20012.jpg Rob and his wife are happy however: http://whitetrash.net/media/images/2/138-bikini.jpg
  7. You sure I am not close? I believe I may have struck a nerve here:
  8. No, you are not done! You will continue this or bow down to me, the master!
  9. Referring you to this: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=217415#post217415
  10. A family characteristic? Is this an inherited or learned trait?
  11. WOW! Another attempt at regaining the integrity of his many low-laden attributes.
  12. ....and the long-haired ole witted one replies intelligently once again! Ride on mullet, ride on.
  13. Good one! Hey mullet, business AND party don't mix. WHERE'S THE SCISSORS?
  14. ZYUL8TR

    Yellow C6 vette

    Listen you hillbilly mullett, I have already told you I would crush you. Your vagina keeps you from acting. Bring the cash and race me you panzy!
  15. As opposed to standing in your trailer park, where the grass grows between the cracks in the concrete?
  16. ZYUL8TR

    Yellow C6 vette

    You just made gearhead559's car even slower, by this post. Keep up the good work, we thank you for it.
  17. ZYUL8TR

    Yellow C6 vette

    Way to go squirrel Rob. That young C6 owner couldn't drive that Vette if his life depended upon it. He manages to bust 14 second time slips. Now, if your piss ass only beat him by three cars, I truely feel ashamed for your car.
  18. Fellas, I have met Shawn, gearhead2. He is a cool person. Unlike Robby, gearhead559, who is a squirrel.
  19. Swap the #5 and #7 injectors around. See if the problem moves to the #5 cylinder.
  20. DirecTV launched a new satellite this year that will put ALL the channels in HD! I get the NFL Sunday Ticket. All the games, except those localy broadcasted, are in HD this year.
  21. Folks. This situation states the amount owed on the vehicle is $10K. Nada shows an average trade-in, for this vehicle, of $5K. This nets an amount of $5K in negative equity, not $10K dollars. GM is offering their employee discount until 8/1. The discount on full size trucks/SUV's is about 25%. For Colorados, it is about 20%. The percent decreases more with smaller cars. If the person in question was to buy a full size truck/SUV, he could easily roll that negative equity into this choice of vehicle. A $35K truck would have a discount of more than $8K. Plenty of room for negotiation as well.
  22. We have an '04 GTP Comp G. Love it. Couldn't be happier.
  23. ZYUL8TR

    Bikini contest.

    A few of us would like to propose a bikini contest. The location would be at Sam's house. There will be payouts based on the number of spectators. Car pooling is a must. Sam can't have parking for a million cars. Here is what I propose: There would be a spectator fee of $10. Paid in advance. If you are a contestant, no fee for you. We will have payouts: 1st Place= 35% of fee intake 2nd Place= 10% of fee intake 3rd Place= 5% of fee intake 4th to whatever place= a judges shoulder to cry on. The remaining 50% (less expenses), of fee intake, will be used as donation money to a local charity from Columbus Racing. The charity will be any organization the paid attendees ALL agree upon. If we get 100 paid spectators (which I am sure is easily attainable), this would be a great payout. We will have a Paypal account for fees. When you pay, supply an e-mail address. Once paid, you will recieve an e-mail confirming payment. That e-mail will serve as your entrance ticket. We will have 5 judges. Sam, Linn, and Tilley are the first 3. The remaining two should be women (what's hotter then women judging women). You bring your own refreshments, beer/wine/soda. If you are interested, reply to this post. [ 28. July 2005, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: ZYUL8TR ]
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