A few of us would like to propose a bikini contest.
The location would be at Sam's house. There will be payouts based on the number of spectators. Car pooling is a must. Sam can't have parking for a million cars.
Here is what I propose:
There would be a spectator fee of $10. Paid in advance. If you are a contestant, no fee for you.
We will have payouts:
1st Place= 35% of fee intake
2nd Place= 10% of fee intake
3rd Place= 5% of fee intake
4th to whatever place= a judges shoulder to cry on.
The remaining 50% (less expenses), of fee intake, will be used as donation money to a local charity from Columbus Racing. The charity will be any organization the paid attendees ALL agree upon.
If we get 100 paid spectators (which I am sure is easily attainable), this would be a great payout. We will have a Paypal account for fees. When you pay, supply an e-mail address. Once paid, you will recieve an e-mail confirming payment. That e-mail will serve as your entrance ticket.
We will have 5 judges. Sam, Linn, and Tilley are the first 3. The remaining two should be women (what's hotter then women judging women).
You bring your own refreshments, beer/wine/soda.
If you are interested, reply to this post.
[ 28. July 2005, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: ZYUL8TR ]