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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Auto Insurance companies are a joke. After the shit I have been thru in the past two years in regards to auto insurance companies. I dont even understand why we fucking have them. I would be better off financially if I had paid for all my expenses out of pocket rather then try and rely on "Insurance" companies to handle something they said they were going to take care of.
  2. I had to quote this for its greatness. Vasectomy=500-1k dollars Spay or Neuter=50-125 Both forms of population control that are not excercised enough
  3. From a business perspective. I would recommend that you.... Burn the mother fucker down. On a serious note. Depending on what the insurance practices are I think by law you have a certain amount of days to get your personal possessions out of the vehicle. If something was stolen before the time allotted then you should call the police.
  4. Sam you need to modify search and look for a boat to do this.
  5. I got a Nuvi 205 as a present and I absolutely love it. Good luck with the sale.
  6. Drewhop

    PC help!!!

    It is like dividing by 0 bad things will happen.
  7. Drewhop


    I wish Paul would only post once a month. Welcome to CR newb.
  8. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42509&highlight=lemons I haz linkz
  9. Good luck. If its the same guys as before you will have a blast.
  10. I was planning on doing the wheel hub on Saturday after I get off work. Went to get a new tire put on the car yesterday had a busted belt. Drove car entire day yesterday the light did not kick on again. The tire that had the busted belt was the wheel hub that was throwing the code. I have to drive down to Cbus tonight I am going to see if it throws the code again. After I take it on a longer drive.
  11. So the code it threw is C1232 LF Wheel SPD CKT Short to GRND/BATT We checked the wiring and it seemed to be ok. So I am assuming my brand new wheel hub is bad. Time to get another one on the way.
  12. WTF wouldnt you go spend a hour and 19 dollars getting it renewed. Shit like this makes my head hurt a lil bit.
  13. What have you done that involved chickens or birds lately.
  14. I am pretty sure ours will check history I forgot all about that tho.
  15. I am getting the tires balanced right now. When I drive the car back I hope the light will pop on again so I can scan it and then post up what code it is throwing. Is it normal for ABS lights to shut themselves off. I know almost all engine codes except for 02 sensor codes have to be cleared.
  16. I love yelling. It makes me happy in my pants.
  17. Why did I turn my text messaging off. Now I have to call verizon. Epic thread.
  18. South Carolina. Just seems like perfect temps for me year round. With what I do for a living. I can find a job anywhere and I want access to a beach year round.
  19. So here is little background behind the car. It has 167k miles on it. Since I bought the car I have only put about 5k miles on it. When I got the car the check tire pressure light had been on. No big deal it did not affect anything so I did not worry about it. I just replaced both front wheel hubs on the car because they needed replaced. After I replaced the wheel hubs the tire pressure light turned itself off. This did not make sense to me. Now after I start the car up no idiot lights are on. I drive the car about half mile abs light will pop on. When abs light pops on low tire pressure light pops on. I have a scanner at work I will check for a code next time it pops on but. Also just in case my tire pressure was low on the driver side rear tire. I made sure all tires are inflated and test drove car again did same thing. My question is could I have got a bad replacement wheel hub. Or are these systems not connected at all. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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