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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Killjoy and Jones being nice wtf is this world coming to.
  2. Drewhop

    R.I.P. Phils Camaro

    The emo is strong in this post.
  3. I actually tried not speeding when driving down that road. Crazy thing happened. I have not received a ticket. The more you know.
  4. I hate my work computer I cant see it. Must wait until I get home.
  5. Leave those sitting there and I will stop on way home from work and Paint ricer on them.
  6. Bass=easy to catch but are very gamey tasting. Bluegill=really good tasting but they are small Crappie=very good but only place you are going to catch them is alum creek and you will need a boat (unless someone gives up there fishing hole) You might be able to find some crappies at Hoover as well. There are a couple nice spots for Crappie along Africa Rd. Find the bridges and walk thru the woods. This time of year you are going to have a hard time catching big fish unless you are on a boat.
  7. What do you want to catch.
  8. Downhill I will whip your ass in a wheelchair..
  9. I get the joke and I still want to shoot him in the face.
  10. I forgot to watch this. Hopefully they have it on there website. I wanted to check it out.
  11. They started doing this dumb shit on factory navs a few years ago. I did not think they would include it as a update on aftermarket that is ignorant. Good luck in finding someone with the skills. Free bump
  12. And more info but I could be completely wrong http://100megsfree4.com/airground/ammo/lc52ammo.htm
  13. Only thing I could find was this. http://www.odcmp.org/1101/USGI.pdf Looks like it might be Military Surplus 30-06 ammo. Does not look like it in the pic tho. Or .30 chinese corrosive knock off ammo. From what I read chinese copied even the headstamp when making these rounds. But it was corrosive.
  14. Cool holster. Story behind break up determines your positive or negative rep.
  15. That dog is cool. I stopped by for about 30 seconds and the dog came over laid on my foot and rolled on his back. He is killing machine I fear for my life around that puppy.
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