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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Grats Doug glad to see your doing well.
  2. I am in the buy here pay here car industry. I am doing roughly 3 times the business I did over last year. I honestly think just from looking at the numbers the credit crunch has ruined there own chance at financing people who have good intentions on paying there loans back. There loss my gain.
  3. Drewhop


    Get the fuck out of Howards thread faggots.
  4. Drewhop

    CR boxing...

    Just stopping in to say Hi!!!!
  5. I want a pet lion. And a alligator with its own moat.
  6. Drewhop


    I could not imagine how that man must feel.
  7. I about blew a gasket a couple weeks ago and took my step son to the park. We were going fishing and he actually told me that he did not know what there was to do outside. By the end of the day he had fell in a mud puddle caught a leopard frog and caught 5 bluegill. Now he constantly asks me to take him fishing. I miss building forts in the woods... As a kid being upset when I finally had to come in cause it was to dark... Walking around with a BB gun shooting random stuff (i lived on 10 acres of land with no neighbors.)...
  8. I seriously just wasted like 45 minutes reading this shit(at least i got paid for it).The true epic battles are gone. I think I (pretend) counted Cavin saying dick at least 726 times.
  9. I have never seen a silver mustang EVER...... I dont think anyone on here has something that rare.
  10. I am on the OGF forums. I also go fishing about 3 times a week unless it is snowing
  11. I think this link will be relative to the conversation that is about to happen http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=panties%20in%20a%20bunch
  12. Any way it is put this man was in the reserves. Why the fuck would they send the ATF to his house over a single misfire at a shooting range. I bet there was more to the story. But since its a old story I am not to worried about it.
  13. Wow. I am sure someone here can figure it up what do you have to drink to reach .39.
  14. The government never does anything shady. Jeeze people.
  15. I just have fish. Lots of them. My son has a frog and (had) newts. They played escape artist yesterday and we found them dead on yesterday. Fish wise I have one big tank. It is a 180 gallon currently is has my 12-14" Tiger Oscar. A 10" albino oscar. Two 6" jack dempseys. and one 14" plecostomus I also have 5 other fish tanks with assorted fish in them.
  16. Drewhop

    Land Navigation?

    I use the public library for topographic maps. That might be a good place. I also like to get both older and newer maps. I know this sight has been helpful to me but I dont need topo maps often enough to justify me paying for a membership. http://www.trails.com/ Also here can be helpful. http://www.usgs.gov/pubprod/ for maps http://www.usgs.gov/ for general. The other stuff I am just not that hardcore just good with maps. Ranger beads if your cheap http://www.instructables.com/id/Army-Ranger-Beads/
  17. Dear alittlelessordinary After review i have discovered that your post count is higher then Firehead in a shorter period of time. Thanks Sincerely Concerned Citizen
  18. So basically you got a gun it fired perfect you found a cosmetic flaw and the manufacture is standing behind there product and fixing the problem? Sounds like a positive review to me.
  19. Its amazing that shooting back worked. I figured if we just gave the pirates hugs they would leave everyone alone.
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