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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Drewhop

    I got bored....

    Subtle yet nice change.
  2. Drewhop


    Oh boxing also taught me how to breathe properly. I could also say I dont get as angry anymore cause I just starting ignoring more people. There are way to many ignorant people in this world and if you are going to hurt them all you will be wore out way before you run out of them.
  3. Drewhop


    I used to have a temper. At some point I just stopped getting worked up over little shit. I cant tell you when it happened but I calmed down. I think everyone needs a little fire and passion towards something but getting in fights is not the answer. I can tell you from experience tho Boxing did not help my temper at all. Only thing boxing helped me with was after I lost my temper I usually did not get knocked out.
  4. Good post. Great information in there.
  5. I was reading some info on stroker motors. They seem like they would do what you were looking for. I have a spare 4.0 block sitting in jeep in my driveway. But I have not decided what to do with it yet. If you have not been to jeepforums.com yet I would check it out have some good information on there.
  6. You could use a little time in the library. They have books that will teach you to capitalize certain letters to form a proper sentence.
  7. Looks good I will check it out.
  8. Hopefully we learned something the first time. Long Distance bombing or super secret ninja assassin ftw
  9. Same thoughts here. I really dont understand. I think they are trying to get the world to recognize them as a superpower but for what? I think The Jong Family just has small mans disease.
  10. Cool. Then go in and approach your "friend" and tell him you understand that he needs to make money as well but you want her to have a reliable car. You have to act quick tho.Often soon as final bank processing of loan goes thru you can kiss any of your leverage good buy.
  11. 02 Grand Prix GT at Auction with 83k miles sell for around 4500. I told you to call me man. They should fix everything on that car for you with the amount of money they made off the deal and take you and your mother in law out for dinner for at least 6 months.
  12. Only 8 of them have gone thru the Ohio auction recently with those options With 55k miles it sold at Auction for $12525 With 27k miles it sold at Auction for $15660 If I were going to sell that car. It would be around 15-17k retail. I would not take any less then 15k.
  13. I try and then usually have to take it over to someones house to fix it right for me.
  14. Actually If you wanna know the truth. I sold two cars between my last post and now I am at home. I logged into Ohio hondas and it said "The topic or post you requested does not exist" So I just laughed and went home from work. Now I am home and it still says "The topic or post you requested does not exist" I dont feel the need to search. Cause I really dont care that much. Everyone who signs the papers for a 2 year old vehicle for 72 months tries to justify it. That they are saving money blah blah blah. The cash in my pocket is so EPIC. Whatever you need to tell yourself is ok. I dont care what your reasoning is. If you are buying a used vehicle I dont care who you are you should not go more then 4 years. Yes people do it all the time but it is just not a good idea to do it. You can ask a few people on here if I have helped them save money on a car when purchasing. The answer is yes. If they read this they will chime in. I have never attempted to make money off of anyone I have helped. I provided them information so that they could go into a car deal with good knowledge. I will offer anyone information. Yes I know more about cars then most people. But there are people who know more then myself.
  15. LoL you bought a 2 year old car on 72 month loan. I dont even need to argue with you. Buck you have my pm let me know if I can help you out. I still owe you for looking at my motor mounts on the GTP.
  16. Yeah I run a dealership as well let me know where it is at. I can easily make 2 grand off selling that car. I will also call you on it show me the car. Maybe you dont understand financing. If you got 4.26 or whatever interest on 72 months. They made about 1.26% interest and maybe a lil more off you. You are not as informed as you think you are.
  17. Quoted. I will unquote this for a small fee.
  18. I think it is a updated chevy luv http://www.dfwmahindra.com/ Also looks like from everything I have read that it will be assembled in Ohio.
  19. +1 I could not imagine. Having to deal with something like that.
  20. Since I dont know much about selling houses. Can you sell the house for less than is owed. Then get a loan for value you are under and pay that off?
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