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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Like this http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1606477/story.jhtml
  2. The reviews seem to be all over the place. I think that if you read the comics and really liked them you will probally like the movie. If not you might not like it.
  3. Good stuff think I will do a little studying tonight.
  4. Living forever sounds good but I am pretty sure we would have to stop breeding....
  5. I dont like any kind of extra monitoring of me. But I understand some things are necessary, just not anymore gun laws.
  6. I can not get that hour and a half of my life back. I am starting to think that Obama may be pro gun.
  7. +rep for using the jeep properly. Welcome to CR
  8. Not funny please try again.
  9. Get a pic up. I see quite a few fbodys running around Nerk maybe I have seen yours.
  10. Let me know when you are ready to pull the trigger and I bet i can find you one cheaper.
  11. I remember watching Sonny hustle the kid in the civic or crx that shit was funny as hell. I have to admit tho I enjoy Sonnys style better then ndacuts style but both achieve the same end result. Until I am in a place where I can afford to race again I will just keep talking about guns and random bullshit.
  12. Mine has been like that for the past week it should not be happening this early tho.
  13. So how are we supposed to know if we are going to get smashed by a asteroid/misc flying objects?
  14. Drewhop

    DOW below 7k

    This makes me excited.
  15. This looks pretty promising but I am predicting zombies because of it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/01/AR2009030101741.html
  16. One of the listing for ammo says .224 then beside it mentions 223/5.56. This is the video that made me think 223 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdSkdXCgDH4&feature=related
  17. Not really concerned about the caliber just if anyone has used them. If they do seem like they do as promoted 22 Hornet or 223 would be the round.
  18. Anyone familiar with this ammo. http://www.barnesbullets.com/products/rifle/varmint-grenade/ Looks pretty fun. Might have to see if I can get my hands on a box of it try it out.
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