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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. You just showed up on a watch list somewhere.
  2. I bet a lot of people are basing expert on there own standards. I think if you can hit someones eye socket. At 300+ yards your pretty damn good.
  3. Living in Granville you are going to have slow zombies. (Old people ftw). Oh btw when you start heading out remember I am over by the college way up on a big hill. Newark Zombie Defense Force.
  4. Updates on the pirates. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/10/AR2009041000881.html This is the Ship that is watching the pirates lifeboat. http://www.navsource.org/archives/05/01096.htm http://www.navsource.org/archives/05/05019615.jpg I want to see what a Tomahawk or a Hellfire missle does to a lifeboat.
  5. I dont mind the camo look but for me it comes down to texture. If it feels cheap I dont like it. If it is done really well I am all for it.
  6. I like the look of the Saiga-12 much more then I do the AA-12. I have not shot either of the weapons or even seen them. I just thought the AA-12 looked like it had a lot less recoil which is why I liked the idea behind it.
  7. I could not do it that is absolutely amazing that he did not drop each one of them.
  8. Its a right of passage. Go buy a nice gun show pics profit
  9. Seriously I want that picture.. but the shadow of this gun.. http://www.undeadreport.com/2007/12/aa-12-shotgun-anti-zombie-weapon-of-choice/
  10. 72% I think my only weakness was the family questions. But my plan involves my family and not just myself.
  11. Maybe they can test these out http://www.98bravo.com/
  12. Yeah I am with you. You are completely correct. People with those type of reactions are the same people that vote for all the gun bans and restrictions and have absolutely no idea what any of them mean.
  13. Drewhop

    team jeep

    I will upload some pics tomorrow. I have to grab them off my other hard drive.
  14. Wow just wow. I honestly can not imagine how you think that is a valid argument. Example: Pirate- So yeah, I got your wife and kid and I am going to rape them. Lolryan- No worries I don't have a gun so at least you wont shoot us. Fuckin Idiots
  15. We did it on a 67 Buick that had been sittin in a garage for 17 years to help us get it out of storage. My mechanic almost burnt his face off was pretty funny.
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,513258,00.html Seriously why cant we stop this? Discuss
  17. Drewhop

    My new piece

    Is it me or does the pic of the M1 look like the end is capped or have something in the end of the barrell.
  18. XJ ftw. Clean looking jeep. Needs bigger tires...
  19. Don't buy that car. Interest rate is ignorant. If you really want a toy that much save up the 2500-3k you were talking about buy something outright and beat the hell out of it. That way if you destroy it you still dont have to make a payment on it. If you are building credit already let yourself keep building credit. Dont go backwards and when you get a good career going then buy your toys. Ask me how I know what your doing is a bad idea.....
  20. I pictured you as a man thong type of guy
  21. +rep for thinking about my special needs.
  22. Looks great man. I would have never guessed you could fit two cars in there.
  23. Tire Flex/wrinkle pictures make me happy in my pants.
  24. Love that video watched it on a military video site one day.
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