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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Drewhop


    Discuss http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/20090227_Footprints_offer_clue_on_path_to_modern_man.html
  2. I went to buckeye outdoors yesterday just because of this thread. True Story.
  3. Sandbagging will not impress anyone here. Try harder neg rep cause I feel like it.
  4. Why not? Do you even know what they are classifying as a assault rifle? ‘‘Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.’’ This quote is from 1764
  5. I shave my head because I have enough man-fur to keep warm.
  6. It is beside your gull bladder. Did you pass anatomy?
  7. It mainly stems from your inability to be happy. I think your sad inside.
  8. The average amount of tax on a pack of cigarettes is 39 cents. If a tax was applied to the purchase of marijuana what kind of money could the government generate?
  9. I should not be allowed to click on Gregs posts anymore. I will send you a pm tomorrow I got a guy who is looking for a FNH and the Sig 556
  10. I think your scared and would be willing to do something humiliating to provoke you into painting your car pink.
  11. This thread has a lil bit of WIN in it. Oh to the OP neg rep because I can.
  12. My above post was sarcasm. There is no such thing as a well built civic. /flame suit on. They should be left for dd duties.
  13. +rep cause Lewis Black is funny. To the OP. I am sitting at work (down the road from where you are probally at school) And a CRX with a huge fart pipe and nawzzz stickers drove by my shop. I am pretty sure it would toast your supra.......
  14. Finding out that you are not sleeping with previously mentioned crazy chick completely changes my answer. WTF are you doing under no circumstances do you ever put up with crazy period behavior if after said behavior is done you dont get to hit it. Your man card is revoked till further notice and I am making the call now to confirm the time that Howard and Kenny can proceed with scheduled gang bang.
  15. I just seen this a little bit ago that fish is badass.
  16. I would say give her a little bit to cool down and everything should be ok. Give her chocolate its calms the savage inner beast.
  17. I thought someone else here worked with him. I dont know who or why I think that but think it is true....
  18. I had to flip a coin. Kenny won over Johnny with the best out of 3. Yeah work is that boring today.
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