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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Your sig kicks ass tho does that help any?
  2. Only reason I discovered the Henry AR-7 was due to my boss just buying a henry lever action 22 for his daughter. I was pretty impressed at there build quality so got interested. Found the Ar-7 and looks like a handy gun to have around. Do you happen to have a Henry lever action 45 in stock by chance? Boss is looking to buy one of those as well.
  3. Anyone had any experience first hand with either of these guns. I was doing a little searching and come across these. Tried finding any at some local stores to take a look at had no luck. Any info would be appreciated.
  4. Watching the ball drop w/the wife no drinking for me. Alcohol=not my friend.
  5. I have not been to CoCo Keys but I have heard a few good reviews about it from some of my customers. (They are poor people)
  6. If he has enough documentation he may be able to fight and get pay off on the vehicle but you dont want me to post the numbers of what the insurance company will offer for the vehicle. Good luck and be ready to fight.
  7. Something like this http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/FreeAds/auction.cgi?action=ViewItem&ID=1217995192&Lang=English
  8. I dont think they are open until 6am tomorrow. My brother goes in to work tonight at 10pm but he said his store dont open till 6am on 26th. Some stores may be different.
  9. I also have to say it was not strictly Columbus/Franklin county it is just where I witnessed the majority of it so it kind of tainted the city for me.
  10. This is the reason I got out of Columbus. I was working in the poor neighborhoods going into houses and seeing neglect/abuse/unsanitary conditions. I would call and report them to Childrens Services and nothing was ever done about it. Not one time in all the times I reported someone was anything done. I was just the repo man doing my job and it made me sick. How could someone who takes the job for a living not be able to see what I was seeing.
  11. Kenny I will destroy you on PC fps.
  12. Drewhop


    Nice color. Evo's are played out. Lets see how the newb does in here before rep.
  13. The other day I left work and saw a midget standing on the hood of a car making out with a normal sized person. My question is. Is it bad that I wanted to stop and ask how she got on the hood? Cause I picture normal guy lifting her up by her armpits like a child. Or did she crawl up there some how. This is a completely true story.
  14. That should be a factory package that is a sharp looking truck.
  15. IF the repairs says free of cost call dealership set up appointment. Every one of these I have done (we do it for our lot cars) we set up appointment drop off car and pick up a few hours later never been hasseled.
  16. Yeah this needs to be quoted....
  17. Quoting and answering yourself= The Win
  18. ROFLMAO Hillbilly One-"Hey Bill did you get that new shotgun" Hillbilly Two-"Yeah Fred lets go get some pirates" Hillbilly One-"Dont forget the fishin poles" Hillbilly Two-"Aight" Sorry but that was what went thru my head when i read that.
  19. The only thing that would have made the picture of the two pirates better would be if the rocket launcher was backwards.
  20. Got all mine done last night. Got some pretty damn good deals to. Saving most of xmas shopping for day after xmas.......
  21. I almost clicked on one of the OP's link then I decided I would rather talk about how cool raptors are.
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