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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Mozilla ftw. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ridiculous
  2. Here is one http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/841027178.html If that is for real.....
  3. I buy stuff from ABS quite often. Do you work there? Or just coincidence that you were parked there..... Nice vehicles.
  4. Those pictures are amazing. Picture 11 I just cant imagine seeing that kind of destruction.
  5. Stop caring what other people think. Sign up for a track day. Show up. Race car. Dont act like a tool and people wont care what you drive.
  6. Here is a good example of what you could get for less then 10,900 http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=596708 I prefer tracking vehicles down that are owned by enthusiasts.
  7. If you purchase this jeep it might offset the fact that you also drive a Mini Cooper. Cause that is one badass looking Jeep. If you actually off-road it I will speak with the Man club and see if we cant get your card back for you.
  8. +1 I do see a lot of ricer aspects to the car as well. Maybe its one of those vehicles you need to see in person.
  9. Well he didnt shoot him so that is a plus.
  10. Thats it. You newbs were supposed to come out there or meet up to paintball but you were a bunch of sissies cause you were hung over or something. Franbar was a good time. They have quite a few different areas you can paintball in. I think all together like 6 or 7 different areas as well as a speedball setup. The wife and I had fun out in one of the woodsball areas. If I dont end up getting my paintball equipment sold I might just keep it and start playing again next year.
  11. If you have the friends already and just need the place to play there is a place out in pataskala that has a nice field. But I cant remember the name of it right now so I will get back to you.
  12. someone PS the nom nom on the exhaust.
  13. Our car lot gets a lot of Mantis (i dont know the plural for that). There was a pair of them out front making out on a s10 a couple days ago. All i could think was poor guy doesnt know he is about to get his head ripped off.
  14. I finally lost it on the Turtle Fate picture. I think its cause I had already seen most of them cause there are others that were better.
  15. This is why the lists never work cause no one wants to keep track of slow cars. If one person is dedicated make it simple and keep it FUTURE track days. Just my two cents.
  16. I once read a story based on pictures of a cave. Then bad shit happened then the story ended with a stupid twist after i read it for a hour. Those didnt look like they had much recent traffic. None of the moss no major signs of scraping going in or out. I couldnt see animal traffic either. Cool find good luck and be careful.
  17. I hate that color looks like baby shit green. But that car looks mean.
  18. Ok so this is not something if you wanted to start working out more for if you wanted to fine tune something that was already started?
  19. At least Chinese aircraft crash tests might be interesting. Yet again another reason I do not want to fly if the people who are building them are not happy.......
  20. There are several sandy vaginas in this thread.
  21. Drewhop


    That was the first thing I noticed i hate that ShIt iT pi553s mE oFf.
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