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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Good intro covered all the bases.
  2. I cant seem to get back into it this time around. The show Life i really get a kick out of tho.
  3. Beautiful Pictures. If you get a chance take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackhand_Gorge_State_Nature_Preserve I am probally going to be taking a trip thru there this weekend by canoe. Its about a 2 hour trip thru the Gorge. If you want to look it up its Brownsville Rd. to Toboso Rd. Both in Newark/Licking River area. Here is best on map I could find. http://maps.google.com/maps?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hl=en&tab=wl
  4. Mattress companies make a stupid amount of money off selling a mattress. Treat a mattress like a car deal. I used to sell home furnishings. If you are looking at a mattress that costs 1k dollars they realistically paid 250 dollars for the mattress. I am not joking when i say if you go into a mattress place do not spend over half of what retail price is unless you love the mattress. If you want send me a pm and I will tell you which mattress companies have the most mark up and which ones do have intially higher amount in them. Also get free stuff. After you have argued the price of the mattress down get them to throw in sheet sets. Also keep in mind if they are trying to sell you on the mattress warranty ask what needs to be done. Almost all mattress companies require that there bed be taken care of in a specific way as to not void the warranty. Alot of times you will have to get something that goes around mattress to keep the warranty valid. http://www.target.com/Bed-Protector-Mattress-Pad/dp/B0002SC6QG Something like that is basically what you have to keep on the bed to keep a warranty valid. You can usually get those thrown in for free. My last two bed purchases were a 2400 dollar spring air mattress that was purchased about 10 years ago. Retail was 2400 i bought it for roughly 400 bucks with 2 sets of sheets and bed protector. It was a 4 seasons dual pillow top mattress. At the time was one of best mattress's you could buy. My last bed purchased about 4 years ago was a Simmons no flip pillow top mattress retail was 1499 and i paid 450 dollars with 3 sets of sheets bed protector and delivered and setup. Let me know if you have anymore questions Thorne
  5. Ill take two with the double post...
  6. The 300 hp Atom is fast that is why I want to see the 500hp version. Plus a 10k rpm supercharged v8 should sound pretty nasty.
  7. I want http://www.arielatom.com/specs/atom-500-v8 If its a repost its a badass repost. Supposedly it should have been produced by now but I cant find any video or pics of the new beast.
  8. Im betting his planned budget is less then what it will actually cost.
  9. The guy posting above and below you has now made a Mr Wright sammich.
  10. So what you guys are telling me is that the announcement was real? I thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit.
  11. Drewhop

    knight rider

    I will watch it again. Just because... well... I am tired of fucking reality tv. I want some good wholesome hard to believe is possible shit. Oh I also plan on watching Heroes.. It is not the original Knight Rider. But it will do until they get rid of all reality shows.
  12. How many jobs does a Casino Create. Bring it on if someone cant control there addiction its because there weak.
  13. I will give it a shot see how it is.
  14. Now remember when they try and charge you 250 bucks for documentation fee. That fee is not regulated by law to HAVE to be 250. It is only CAPPED at a max of 250 for doc fee. They can set that value to whatever they want. Almost all dealers set that number at 250 cause basically it is a free 250 dollar profit that they say they have to collect. As for consultation no charge for that stuff. I can give a very good basis where to be at on a vehicle. I can provide information if you want to know something just give me a shout in a pm I will be happy to help.
  15. You pm'd once about buying just the mask. 15$ pick a mask. But I will be honest I did not pay more then 25$ for any of these masks brand new. If you still wanna drive out here for 15 bucks let me know I could probally meet you in Pataskala.
  16. I dont think you will and I am positive you dont have the balls to record it and post it here. /callout
  17. Good viewpoint. And yes the kids do know who won the game. I am by no stretch psycho dad but I do believe kids need to learn early on that you do need to try hard to get what you want. If a kid becomes content on losing and just accepting it I dont believe that is a good thing. If they tried there absolute best and still lost that is another story. He can be whatever he wants to be. I will always push him a little bit cause kids sometimes need someone to give them the extra shove.
  18. Ok so wife went to her sons soccer game. He is 6 years old. First off they dont keep score. What kind of weak shit is that. Second if anyone other then the goalie blocks the ball other team gets the ball. Are they seriously trying to make our youth a bunch of pansies. What is this everyone wins bullshit. At 6 years old he understands what winning and losing is. Who ever thought this crap must have had there asses kicked at some sport cause they sucked. Sorry random rant
  19. Not that I know anything about you but I did not take you as a camping guy....
  20. Im pretty sure that was Hal. I can sense it.
  21. http://www.aep.com/environmental/recreation/recland/ I went down there a month or so ago. It is absolutely. They have NO COST camping. But there are some restroom facilities if you don;t wanna wipe in the woods. Plus if you are into fishing there are something like 350 ponds. We traveled around and fished at about 10 different ponds. The water was so absolutely clear it was amazing. With then being coal lands you can also see about 30-40 feet down in the water as well. Plus there is a huge trail called the buckeye trail. Worth the visit.
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