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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I grew up in the country. Nearest emergency response was over 30 minutes. Owning a gun in the country was a requirement. You protected yourself. Either from people or animals. How much has changed in past 20 years?
  2. Out of here with your shit. We are discussing make believe numbers drawn up by people who conduct highly accurate surveys of American opinions. I took a survey a few moments ago. I have established that everyone who wanted gun control is butthurt. The numbers are roughly 85% butthurt. Vs 15% was not butthurt and only took the survey to get out of working.
  3. I am never the "IN" crowd. If I were to buy weapons they would be used. If I needed ammo I also would use cash. Luckily law enforcement is so great at there job I have no need to worry about personal protection. Thank you government for taking care of me.
  4. I don't own any guns. I just like pretending I do on the internet.
  5. I can personally say that anytime anyone has ever asked me to take a survey I have hung up on them or walked on by without missing a stride.
  6. Butthurt president is butthurt. Now can we get this fucktard to stop focusing on gun control and maybe take care of something in this country that is important.
  7. Required background checks on all transfers of guns is the first step in a national gun registry. The law originally had wording that even temporary transfer could be considered a felony. If me and you were going to the range and you wanted to try out my gun. If I handed it too you that would be considered a felony because I did not do a background check on you before allowing you to use my weapon. At some point I think the bill was amended which is what I think the Toomey republican had added to remove that.
  8. Knowing the problems that feral hogs are causing in texas. I would think the sheriff might ask the gentlemen to take a few of those porky bastards out if he sees them.
  9. Watched this yesterday. Makes you feel sick watching the way people interact with each other now a days.
  10. Quality politicians at work http://www.local12.com/mostpopular/story/CBS-Third-Bomb-Possibly-Found-Along-Boston/PJFSyYjreESeP1rPphm62w.cspx Vice President Joe Biden was on a conference call with gun control activists when staffers turned on televisions in his office Monday to view coverage of the explosions. Biden said during the call that his prayers were with those who suffered injuries.
  11. It was reported detonated by the police.
  12. Just saw a report they are shutting down cell service in most of Boston area.
  13. I wanted an Ar-7 until I bought this. http://www.ruger.com/products/1022Takedown/models.html Ruger > Henry
  14. I didn't picture you as a cocaine type of guy.
  15. Does it matter? I fuckin roll hard in that whip. Tuned that shit myself.
  16. I make 142k dollars a year and drive a Cougar.
  17. Drewhop

    Bath salts?

    Sawing both of them off is a true test of skill. +rep for attempting the almost impossible.
  18. Just lie to them. They will stop calling. Tell them that you already have a lawyer retained and that you have received medical attention.
  19. Gets your stories straight fellows. BAN X-ACTO knives.
  20. I picked up a new style of fishing over the winter. I cant wait to get out and try it out. Also started hand tying fly fishing lures and wet flies as well. I do alot of small stream fishing and tend to walk several miles. So I wanted to stop carrying bunch of gear so I could go further. Its called Tenkara. Cheaper to get started then actual fly fishing but ability to present the same type of lures. Both dry and wet flies. This is what I am trying. Basically its a badass cane pole
  21. He should have lipped him...... Fish ohio award and one massive fish. Most will never even see a fish like that in there lifetime from ohio waters. http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Default.aspx?tabid=21873
  22. Drewhop


    Interesting idea http://www.thebulletproofbackpack.com/
  23. Drewhop

    Seasonal Allergies

    Just started taking this today. Seems like it may help out. Cant hurt to try. http://nasalcrom.com/ This is supposed to stop allergies before they start. Since mine are not in full effect yet is worth a shot.
  24. I came here to post this. And......IS THIS REAL LIFE?????
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