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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Drewhop

    XBOX One

    http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/10/rape-joke-at-microsoft-conference-just-let-it-happen-itll-be-over-soon/ This is funny. Oh and ps4 > xbox one
  2. 1300 for just the A/C unit and line replacement.
  3. I have been riding at on the bike path every night. I hope this catches on. Will add a huge layer of entertainment to my nightly workout.
  4. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/prancercise-workout-video--part-trot--part-prance--all-incredible--183255089.html Complete viral status achieved.
  5. Now imagine going into these peoples houses or having to repo there cars. There is a big difference between. "I worked hard today smell" And I have not showered or used deodorant in a few weeks.
  6. Or.... if you can remember his name and general area he lives in would be fairly easy to track him down. Finding him on facebook may even be an option if you know his name.
  7. A wise friend of mine once told me. "If you have the skills for the job. Interviewers are really looking to see if they can put up with your ass for 8 hours a day."
  8. Mother nature you scary http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/05/20/stunning-live-footage-tornado-touches-down-near-oklahoma-city Current live feed http://www.newson6.com/Global/category.asp?C=207223&BannerId=994
  9. Drewhop

    Flying van

    I thought this was gonna be a 1:44 of boring. Then :34 seconds in liftoff was achieved.
  10. Those shows you are talking about are mainly word of mouth. Little to no advertising. Last weekend there were 2 or 3 cars shows in Newark. All small and I didn't know about them until they were going on.
  11. http://www.cruisintimes.org/cruisin/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83:canton-hot-rod-show&catid=3:newsflash Pretty extensive list for lot of big shows. Last year I found some wrong dates/times for a few shows so always good to double check the listing with another source.
  12. Quite a few good bank spots on Alum. I will send you a pm with some info.
  13. So much winning in this thread.
  14. homegrown sammiches are the best.
  15. Why the fuck do you clean a GIANT blender while it is running. There has to be a better procedure for cleaning.
  16. Escalation is the only real answer to solving this problem. Find safe place along side the highway to pull over. Get out throw arms up in air until the person reacts wishing to escalate the situation into violence. Problem solved.
  17. Camo makes you 100% invisible. Your garden will never see you coming.
  18. This is by no means a representation of all of the LS. But every single one of them I have ever had sit on a car lot the battery would go dead in less then 5 days. I would say 20-30 different ones all did the same thing.
  19. I don't see China numbers anywhere in those spread sheets. I wonder why that is.
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