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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Got to love automatic replies lol Thank you so much for your email. It is an honor to serve as your Congressman and I'm glad you've taken the time to contact me. If you have an issue or request that is time sensitive, please call my Columbus, Ohio office at (614) 523-2555 and my staff will be happy to assist you. Last year, I received more than 70,000 incoming communications from my constituents. Due to the extremely large volume of emails I receive, I am not always able to respond to every communication as quickly as I'd like. For a faster reply to your question, I encourage you to call my office at (614) 523-2555. Thanks again for your email. Please don't hesitate to contact my office if I may be of assistance in the future. Sincerely, Patrick J. Tiberi Representative to Congress
  2. Drewhop

    the buster

    Is there really any better material for a race car then old server cases?
  3. Drewhop

    the buster

    Sometimes you just gotta break out the old school.
  4. Drewhop

    the buster

    I plan on making a 6 second car for 5k dollars.
  5. We have to keep buying eye protection. Amazing how often kids shoot each other in the eye.
  6. I would like to buy a Vowel.
  7. Silver is pretty high right now. Been in the 30 range for a while now http://www.apmex.com/ If you could find someone and buy it few dollars below spot (best way is buying in bulk) You might be into something. Also another thing to remember. 100 ounce (bars) easier to buy and harder to sell. Small amounts 1 ounce at a time usually sell closer to spot but sell faster. I have spent a huge amount of time in precious metals. If any more questions feel free to ask.
  8. I tried to google 250 round "MAGS" and I cant seem to find anything. This must be something new.
  9. I hope the new planet has less trolls.
  10. Killer Instinct was freaking awesome in its day. Used to have friends over and have tourneys at my house.
  11. Drewhop

    need too read

    It is a copy pasta from a post on facebook as well.
  12. There is a huge collector market for these. You looking at a value or want to get rid of them? I have a friend who runs a knife store that might be able to help out.
  13. This was your first post that you have went Full retard. Never go full retard. Let me get this straight the only way people can die is if someone has a semi automatic rifle? Really? The facts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh this guy did all this and never fired a single shot. Your ignorance is blaming this vile act on the weapons. The weapons didnt cause the problem. The person caused the problem. You are definately one of those sheep that is just waiting to be slaughtered. Good luck too you.
  14. You are attempting to have a bunch of trolls and drag racers and street racers talk you out of a bad decision? lolface On a real note. If the body is solid enough to justify putting money into why would you not do it?
  15. This. I flipped thru channels and I saw the headline. "BREAKING NEWS, FAMILIES MOURN THE LOSS OF CHILDREN" Are you fucking kidding me. This is what is spammed across the tv.
  16. Out of this chat with your common sense. Guns are bad mmkay.
  17. Let me know were you are going to be. I will go pick one up tonight and drop it off.
  18. True. I may setup a meeting with the principal and make sure they keep the school locked down and no entrance is easy to get into.
  19. To add to Johns statement. The school my son goes to is locked all day long and no one is allowed in the doors during school hours. It has two sets of doors. First set you can enter into small area then another set of doors. You cant get past the second set of doors without be scheduled to go past. When picking up your kid during school hours you wait in between the sets of doors and your kid is sent to the office then allowed to exit in the waiting area after that. One set of front doors is never opened. If you are going into school you must go thru a side door in between these doors and sign in the office.
  20. True. I taught him a couple weeks ago how to hurt a adult that tries to grab ahold of him.
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