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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/30/hurricane-sandy-instagram_n_2043786.html?ir=Technology#slide=1705047 Few more pictures to pass the time. Nature is a bad ass bitch.
  2. I am not 100% sure that your neighbor is a true friend to your dad.
  3. Not Brian wins at the internet. Sometimes you just dont know how much he has won while he is winning.
  4. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    The governor is a twisted fuck. I saw a few things wrong with the ambush as well. But still better then 100% of reality tv.
  5. Bingo. Some people are just better at certain things.
  6. I think I only own 1 or 2 knives under 3.5 inches.
  7. You need to find a hobby to wear your body out. Simple as that. If you are up being restless thinking about wanting to drink your not tired enough.
  8. http://imgs.isidewith.com/results-image/181761925.jpg GO GARY GO
  9. Cult of Brand. This nation is basically fucked because 90% of the population is so loyal to there political party that they cant step outside the box and see what really needs to be done. It is sad that I really want a zombie apocalypse just to have someone press the reset button.
  10. I missed it last night. I will have to watch later today at some point.
  11. This guy should be in the debate. http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/gov-gary-johnson-files-complaint-in-federal-court-against-commission-on-presidential-debates
  12. I am by no means a expert but that looked like a intentional hit. Watched it a few more times. Maybe not. Looks like the Porche might have lost traction.
  13. If money is not a factor. LEDs are definately the way to go. I have had a really low light LED light in my kitchen that has not been turned off in 5 years. I use it as a (stumble thru dark in middle of night light) I do wish the LEDs were more affordable tho.
  14. http://img.10fastfingers.com/badge/1_wpm_score_BX.png Visit the Typing Test and try!
  15. http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AqtfyaWgW74#! 5% Q: Where do you stand on gun control? A: I'm one of those who believe the bumper sticker: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The first people who are going to be in line to turn in their guns are law-abiding citizens. Criminals are going to be left with guns. I believe that concealed carry is a way of reducing gun violence. Q: Do you carry a gun? A: I don't, and I don't own a gun, but I'd still just as soon have the concealed carry law. If the guy who is going to hold up a car knows there is the possibility of a concealed weapon, he may think twice. We don't have that law here. Q: But the statistics show that people don't use guns to stop crime. They use them to hurt themselves or innocent people. A: Yeah, but there is deterrence in the legality of guns. It's also part of the Constitution. Q: The NRA disagrees with any limits. Do you? A: I don't believe the laws regarding guns are effective. We're allowed to bear arms. It's part of a free society.
  16. Looks like you better start voting for Gary.
  17. http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/ http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/10/green-party-candidates-arrested-at-presidential-debate/ I absolutely do not care about Obama or Romney. Why cant anyone else debate. I am confused is there a policy on this or something?
  18. Drewhop

    My new toy

    My dad had one of those when I was a kid. Loved that gun. Used to shoot at least a box of 550 every weekend thru it. There house was broken into a few years ago and it was stolen.
  19. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    +1 The body armor thing annoyed me but overall it was awesome. Great episode.
  20. Pretty freaking awesome.
  21. I like those wheels. Have you called them about pricing yet?
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