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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I run a dealership and I wont even hold a car with a deposit. Pay me or GTFO. First come first serve bitches. Oh and good luck. I dont predict you seeing your money again.
  2. I watched a video of that Iron Dome. I think it was on Future Weapons or a show like that. Iron Dome = Beast Mode.
  3. 80% of my zombie survival food choices now wiped out. This is bullshit.
  4. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    I think they will find her as well. Tyreese would be a good character to change his story line. Let him stay around longer then the comic.
  5. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    POSSIBLE SPOILER http://thewalkingdeadpodcast.com/2012/11/15/new-character-rumored-to-be-joining-the-cast/ New character to show. Awesome character from comic.
  6. My facebook feed consists of Guns and Zombies homesteading and survival shit. If I see too many political posts from same person. Like 3 or more per day. I just remove them from feed. Its almost like they never existed.
  7. Drewhop


    There was a election? I was just speaking of idiots who think they know something lol.
  8. Drewhop


    Every day a new idiot becomes a spokesperson for a group of people that dont want him as a spokesperson. Shame.
  9. 7 Pages and no one mentioned the real cure for all these problems. ZOMBIES. Wipe the slate clean. survivalistboards.com zombiehunters.org Homesteading and off the grid living dont seem to bad these days.
  10. I think you are missing the entire point of aquaponics. Lot of setups use duckweed to suck up additional nutrients in the water to slow down or stop the growth of algae and bacteria. . In turn the duckweed will assist in feeding the fish. The entire idea is based on being balanced properly and naturally. instead of juggling chemical additives.
  11. Not sure if you misread what I typed or just adding to it. But no you dont wanna add fertilizer.
  12. Wagner= only guy who answered the solution to healthcare. Good on you Waggz WAGNER FOR PREZ
  13. Aquaponics is using fish waste as fertilizer for plant growth. The nutrients are introduced thru the system itself. Basically feed the fish and grow plants
  14. Also IBC Totes or Crates are great if you can find them local and affordable. Bunch of videos on how to set them up as well. http://www.scribd.com/doc/95690718/IBC-of-Aquaponics
  15. Blue is definately a better color. White encourages algae growth. But realistically if your system is running properly and setup correctly color wont matter. Algae-nitrate sponge. Nitrate is what is used to grow plants in a aquaponic setup. If your algae is eating all your nitrates you cant grow your veggies fast enough.
  16. Dont think your in columbus anymore but these are a good place to start http://columbus.craigslist.org/grd/3250557704.html
  17. I will have a setup going in the next few months. I dont have enough direct sunlight around my house and aquaponics is about only way I can get some real produce started. I know a guy who is really into it as well. I recently bought this http://www.amazon.com/Aquaponic-Gardening-Step---Step-Vegetables/dp/086571701X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352228478&sr=8-1&keywords=aquaponics Great reading good ideas. But I am sure you can get the same information if not better from online sources.
  18. So I pose a question for the CR elite. How exactly do you fix healthcare? (Cause it is broken) How do we make health insurance companies responsible for there actions?
  19. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    I just wanna know whats gonna happen when Merle finds Daryl. The downward spiral begins for Rick.
  20. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    Which part you thinking?
  21. Drewhop

    Walking Dead

    Ut oh. We getting some hype about next episode http://comicbook.com/blog/2012/11/02/the-walking-deads-next-episode-is-the-best-ever/
  22. If PETA is so passionate about this. Why dont they take there own money and erect a memorial. Fuck using state money. I am sure they can afford it in there budget.
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