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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Drewhop


    Cant rep you. Good post.
  2. He posts pictures. Sometimes they are awesome.
  3. I do have health insurance. As does everyone in my household. It covers a certain amount. After that out of my pocket. Lot of times (which I have done in the past) You can negotiate a cheaper amount paying cash. Look at the cost that a hospital charges a insurance company for a standard child birth. Then ask what you can pay out of pocket. The cost difference is huge.
  4. Cash is still king after all these years. Personally I would prefer the government to leave me completely alone but I dont see that happening. I dont care about obama care of health legislation. I just want them to get there fucking corrupt hands out of my pockets.
  5. I appreciate the info and links. I guess what I was looking for is.... I sell cars Retail=5k I tell you I can cut you a deal and sell you car for 4k OTD. In reality I paid 2700 for the car and still made a grand and made you feel like you won. I guess I am looking for that lowball price. I want to educate myself to keep more money in my pocket and less money in other peoples pocket.
  6. I am saving box tops. I didnt know I could use my kroger points as well. What about Giant Eagle? Will that get me a discount as well?
  7. This is great information. I have heard hospital food is pretty good stuff.
  8. I did do my investigation. I should have worded the initial question better. That is my mistake. I was looking for people in the field who might know firsthand what the price generally is. So eat a fucking dick faggot. /fuck off bitch
  9. Not being a dick and columbus racing do not go well together. I am sure someone on here has good information on the topic. Considering we have multiple doctors/nurses wifes who are nurses. So douchebag, if you dont have anything to provide I guess I dont need your help either.
  10. Thanks I appreciate it. 600-3000k dollars from a random website is not a accurate number. So..... Maybe next time you feel like commenting provide a useful intelligent answer. K..thx..bye.
  11. Pretty simple. Anyone know first hand what a good average price is for a CT Scan. Thanks for any help
  12. Had I not seen the miles I would have never guessed it. Bump for a great seller and car.
  13. I go sledding beside my house. Living on a big hill has some advantages.
  14. I read data a while back. Here is some basic info in which I was referring to. http://bigthreeauto.procon.org/view.additional-resource.php?resourceID=2050
  15. I am not sure you answered either of the OP's questions. After you read them read my answers and feel free to answer the questions. Part one of my statement. We (meaning the united states) have the capacity as a nation to manufacture everything we outsource all over the world. Part two of my statement. I dont think we (see above definition) will start doing that again until something catastrophic (meaning-economic colapse or insert horrible event) happens. Part three. (Hope your keeping up) Getting rid of union based manufacturing labor WILL have a extremely positive impact on our (united states) manufacturing capacity. We could be globally competitive in terms of production as well as labor rates. Part four. We have the technology to produce with little to no impact on the environment. But......we choose to cut corners build inefficient plants and pollute our very important environment.
  16. I think will still have the capacity to produce all the important things we need. I dont think until something catastrophic happens will we do it. But getting rid of unions would be a good fucking start. Part 2. We should have the technology to produce with less impact on the environment already but its so much cheaper to destroy and pollute the world.
  17. I Can tell you held back on that one. RIP.
  18. Do we got a arrival time estimate?
  19. KBB is not a good place to judge the value of a car. If you have ever seen how the KKB prices get put on the windows of a large dealership you would never open that website again.
  20. There is so much bullshit in this post it makes my head hurt.
  21. No. You can move into the wilderness. Try and survive off the land.
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