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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I have not planned for super zombies. I will have to rethink my plan for dealing with super strong, super fast zombies. Thanks for heads up Brian.
  2. A guy on CR posted a few things about making kits. I think his name was Chad. Good luck in your search.
  3. Someone would get seriously hurt if that was done to a store I owned.
  4. Solution to falling on ice. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=722552&destination=/catalog/product.jsp%3FproductId%3D717558%26type%3Dproduct%26WT_tsrc%3DCSE%26WT_mc_id%3DGoogleBaseUSA%26WT_z_mc_id1%3D717558%26rid%3D40%26mr%3AtrackingCode%3D6FDE1BCD-958E-DF11-A0C8-002219318F67%26mr%3AreferralID%3DNA Best purchase I made for cleaning cars off in my driveway.
  5. I got that email the other day as well.
  6. It seems as tho you are trying to justify doing this to yourself and not me. My problem lies with you thinking that your means of hunting is better or my primal then anyone else. My point is. Killing something with a knife that is scared and wounded takes no more skill then, tracking learning a deers pattern and shooting it with a traditional style bow. You have watched the videos correct? Most of "pigs" are pinned down and unable to run at the point when the "kill" is initiated. Could you get hurt. I am sure the answer is yes. If you want some practice. Find a farmer buy a pig from him. Instead of him slaughtering it chase that bitch around a muddy pig pen with a large knife until it or you gets tired and try to gut it on spot. Good luck and happy hunting. As for your comment about me killing a pig with a knife. Nope I have no excuse for wanting to be that close to a animal that can possibly kill me. The evolution of modern fire arms has allowed me the comfort of killing something from a safe distance. Good luck and happy hunting. Hope your dreams come true.
  7. So let me get this straight. You wanna go into the woods. With tracking and bite dogs. Let them chase a animal and injure it. So you can feel manly and stab it with a knife after it is already hurt and wore out? Have you ever witnessed what a dog with stamina can do to just about any animal? Yet you want to take a jab at destruction of a feral invasive hog problem that someone helped out in Texas with. Have you watched any videos on how destructive feral hogs are? We should all be running around in pick up trucks and mowing the fuckers down with high power rifles. Oh...and your vehicles description it is License not lisence.
  8. I read all of Jeffros posts in "Ollis" voice now.
  9. Why is it so hard for them to understand. Magazine capacity effects nothing.
  10. Drewhop

    Free Pete

    What is appropriate dress?
  11. Drewhop

    Free Pete

    This should get a healthy discussion going http://www.copblock.org/1702/freepete/ How many things are wrong with this situation.
  12. I shot 46 squirrels today with a sling shot. I used a banana and peanut butter to lure them in.
  13. In on page one of potential train wreck.
  14. AccuQuote Main Office 1400 South Wolf Rd. Bldg 500 Wheeling, IL. 60090-6588 Colorado Branch Office 25188 Genesee Trail Rd Suite 110 Golden, CO. 80401 Toll Free: 1–800–442–9899 Telephone: 847–850–2000 Fax: 847–850–2800 Life insurance First one is a telemarketer for Southern University. 888 Is insurance telemarketer as well
  15. Stop thinking. If the timing belt has been replaced recently this is awesome buy.
  16. You should not be posting this. You should be driving your 2k dollar Jetta TDI.
  17. I am a very very white person. I was on route 23 between Deleware and Marion. My supra had a coolant leak. Dropping off a hose falling onto downpipe. I got pulled over. Car was smoking a little bit from under hood. Cop Searched me and radioed for backup before he would let me look under hood of car. I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt. I fixed the coolant leak on my car while four cruisers pulled up and watched me. He also gave me a verbal warning for unsafe vehicle. So why did I get so much attention?
  18. Hi cap magazines are overrated.
  19. Most of the info they have is public information and can be found with little to no effort. I dont know you and could tell you all the stuff they just provided you with a simple search in less then 10 minutes. Not saying someone didnt give out your info but I wouldnt lose sleep over it. As for the loan information could possibly be the reason you are getting the calls. Fine print on applications is a bitch.
  20. I just wanna know why you let a woman drive you around. For some reason that annoys me.
  21. I took up shoveling snow as a hobby. Good exercise.
  22. I am pretty sure you just rage quit.
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