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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I got enough stuff to take care of zombie soccer vampire moms.
  2. I am going to go drift and text. AFK.
  3. But all the stuff is there to rice out this gun with the best of them.
  4. For that price I will buy 5- 870s and load them all with different rounds. Toss one away and pick up next gun if I run out of ammo.
  5. This. It would sell like wild fire. My guess. for price is going to be $590.
  6. Kel-tec is putting out some cool stuff now. The rfb wants me to own it.
  7. More picture goodness. http://www.ktog.org/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1294032677
  8. Kel-tec .....ftw? I want to dislike this weapon but I want it.
  9. Looks like the magazines might be pretty pricey for this as well.
  10. Has anyone got to shoot one of these are saw one in person yet. http://www.ruger.com/products/gunsiteScoutRifle/specSheets/6803.html School me. Good bad and ugly of this rifle. Is it overpriced. Can something be had for much less that can do what this rifle does. With the quality it offers. (if it is a quality weapon) Appreciate any info.
  11. Drewhop


    You are not alone. I am thinking about picking up a older diesel benz.
  12. I wish we could rename you. Faghole. I am going to my parents house and blowing shit up for new years.
  13. We got a Wii for my 7 year old. He has been playing boxing/tennis/baseball for about 2 days straight now. We also got him a star wars game that has Light Sabre duels. I can honestly say the Wii is really great for family time. I do want to get a fun duck hunt style shooting game and a couple guns to have fun as well. I also found a gun at Odd Lots here in Newark for 15 bucks. Now that I see they are a bit pricey I will stop by tomorrow and pick it up. It was the resident evil with the knife for $15.
  14. Having kids and finding the time to do things when married is different. I go fishing 3-5 times a week during summer. I take my son. If he wants to fish I bring his fishing stuff. If he wants to throw rocks at random stuff so be it. You adjust to a different lifestyle after you have a family. Your priorities shift. There are a million other things I could do rather then spend quality time with my wife and son. But I choose to do this. Maybe changing things up might be the push you need to find someone special to share your new found hobbies with. You might find the girl of your dreams on a mountain bike path.
  15. I quoted the important part. Someone who has your drive needs to pass that on to there kids.
  16. Working until noon. .THen done until Monday.
  17. Jeffro were you at. Whats our prediction.
  18. Who here has been hassled because they have a Conceal Carry. If you have post what happened. Having a discussion with my mechanic and he claims that everyone he knows with there CCW gets hassled anytime they are pulled over or someone checks there driver license.
  19. I like this one. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_772501_-1_757771_757767_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y
  20. Drewhop

    Gun pulled

    Wrong. Make sure you always have a gun. Get out of your car shoot them in the face. Get back in car and leave like nothing happened. Go home post on CR. Rinse repeat.
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