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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. It would be a Mopar -he is the only one keeping half of them running.
  2. I go up to Mohican state park on Route 3, just outside Loudonville. I always go with this place: http://www.mohicanadventures.com/ They have 3 different trips you can take. The river is a very easy and simple river to go down. Great for beginners. The river has some little rapids depending on how much rain they have had recently. The river can get busy on the weekends. I suggest that if you are going to go up on a weekend, be there just as they open up so you basically have the river to your self before all the idiots get out there after noon.
  3. I wouldn't go that far to say that is a lie. In major cities it is pretty good all the time. My parents have DirecTV in Mt. Vernon and it goes out just about everytime it rains. The siginal strength is stronger near bigger cities. So it does happen. And it happens more to people that live in areas where normal cable service doesn't even come to and you have to go with satalite service.
  4. I understand ProStreet, but in my opinion, it just plain isn't worth having all that power if you can't putt it down on the ground.
  5. The guy dumps that much money into the car and can't pick up a set of slicks to actually drive it? What was his plans for this car. You basically make it into a drag car yet still don't get slicks. Heck I am getting a set of slicks for the track when I take my Charger and it is only going to have around 475 hp.
  6. If it does come out that way, I give it a month and there will be ways around it.
  7. BloodRed

    Fox vs. Cat

    I get to see that as soon as the baby geese get old enough to run. I work in Dublin and they are all over the place. Anyway, they have a guy that comes out with his dog to chase them away. The dog loves it. It really doesn't work very good, they are normally back the next day, but it is great to watch.
  8. BloodRed

    Fox vs. Cat

    Basically the reason cats are better fighters is because dogs are pack hunters. They kill by numbers. They don't need more than there mouth just because they have the numbers in there favor. Cats (minus lions) are solo hunters. They need the extra stuff to get the job done.
  9. BloodRed


    Yes Bootleg does touch ups. And there work is guarenteed for life. So if you need a touch up or it needs to be recolored in a few years, just stop in. And on the ring tatoo, it is more than likely going to fade a lot because the hand replaces the skin a lot faster than the rest of your body. So you want to make sure you do go to a good place like Bootleg so you can get touch ups every few years.
  10. I am with Western Reserve group. Small company and you do pay a little more, but it is worth it. If I ever have to call my agent up, she is always asking about my parents and stuff like that. I have only had one claim with them. I got a quote, it was approved 5 minutes after I faxed it to them and I had the check the next day.
  11. I actually found a good kit at Wal-Mart when I put some subs in my wife's car. It has seemed to be a good kit. I think the only thing it was missing was the speaker wire. It was a 8 guage kit I got for around $20. I think the 4 guage kit was $30.
  12. This will continue to happen since there are no new updates for DVD Shrink. Program works great, but with out any new patches to fight off the new protection, it can't do it alone. I have also heard that DVD Decrpyter has also stopped releasing updates, that is why everyone has started using DVDFab.
  13. Just like someone else said, use DVDFab or DVD Decrypter to copy the full DVD to your HDD. Then use the Open file, not open disc, feature on DVD Shrink and it will shrink it down to size for you. Also don't forget to watch for the "running boy" on DVD's. This will most of the time stop DVD shrink from working. You will just need to change the "Unreferenced Matteral" section to a still picture and it will work just fine. If you have any questions, check on the forum on the DVDShrink website. Tons of info in the FAQ
  14. If it is pure absinthe (clear not green), you will have a good time. Most of the time it is already been deluted with sugar. Which is ok, but not as strong compared to deluting it yourself. If it is pure, you will need to delute it with sugar to drink it. Just look on line, I am sure you will find out how to do it. If you don't it pretty much just makes you sick. Effects depend on the person and how strong it is. Somepeople it has no effect on, but some it can really do some neat head tricks with. Oh yeah, don't expect to remember what happened. You will just wake up a go, What happened?
  15. LOL, It is a great movie. And no one knows what the movie is about. Is it about a kid that didn't take his meds or time travel? The movie was made that way so you can make your own call on it and make you think. I doubt even the directors know what the movie is about.
  16. It is good to hear of people finally getting away from these people before they loose their heads.
  17. um, yeah I will be passing.
  18. My best suggestion is to take your time and do a good job. Can't tell if it is only going to cost $5K extra to restore it. Depends on what kind of condition the car is in. I am working on a 71 Charger, and well I have more than $5K in the engine alone. Of course, I removed the 340 and I am putting in a 427.
  19. Actually a friend of mine pretty much did the same thing in Licking County. He has a spotless record before this. He got the 1 year in jail reduced to 3 days, which got converted into community service. He lost his license for a year, but is able to drive to work and back. And of course fines. With her having a clean record, she should be able to get permission to drive to work and school. School is pretty much garenteed as long as her attendance is good and she gets good grades. And also be prepared to show them that she needs a car to get to work to be able to support herself.
  20. It would be better for him to start trying to sell steak knifes.
  21. This post also makes me sick. I have never once in my life drunk and drove afterwards. I actually lost a friend to a drunk driver last week. He was home from college and was headed to Wal-Mart with a couple friends to get some snacks for there spring break trip to New England area. A drunk driver being chased by police went left of center and hit his car. Killed the passenger, my friend died 2 weeks later, and the 3rd person is still in the hospital. That drunk driver has 11 DUI charges and the day before he hit my friends car, he got off from killing another person in an accident while drunk.
  22. Yeah I doubt it will be there, but I got free tickets from Dodge, so I think I am going on Saturday.
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