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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I don't have a quad, but I am interested in the Wrangler. (xj is a Cherokee), but I have a few questions. what year, engine, transmission, mileage, tops, doors? How is the frame?
  2. If Tim doesn't pick them up, I will take one of them.
  3. Like others have said, that is a hell of a deal. I am sure something is up that they are not saying anything about. But if you are in the market for one, I would contact them and try to check it out.
  4. Whats the point, with those kind of firearms laws, hardly anyone owns a gun except for the criminals.
  5. Glad to hear you got it back. Just a thought on the gas tank leak. Does your ZJ have the gas tank skid plate? If not, I wonder if someone took it on a joy ride and ramped it off something, grounding out the rear end and busted something with the tank or filler hose. Just an idea. I would check to see if you notice any damage to the rear.
  6. Very sweet looking car. GL with the sale.
  7. dirty minded people...LOL
  8. I am from Newark, so I know the Mopar Nats well. Now that more people stay in Heath rather than going to Brice Rd, any of the parking lots along 79 would be perfect for what you are looking for. There are a ton of shops all along there, so it won't be hard to find something for your group. And yes, the Heath PD are normally let a lot slide as long as it is a Mopar. You bring something else down to try and mess with the Mopars, you will be asked to leave with a ticket. I will probably be crusing around the area in my 09 Ram this weekend.
  9. Wow you read that letter wrong. They dropping the NFL network from a regular Digital channel. You will only be able to get that channel in HD.
  10. It's like $20 a bucket of the stuff at Lowe's. It is dead simple to do yourself.
  11. Dude that sucks. I will keep an eye out for it. I am always searching for stuff on CL for Jeep stuff and also I am on a lot of Jeep forums.
  12. For me, it was only like $0.70 more per month for the HD channels if you already have the digital box. They just have to come out and swap out your Digital box to an HD box. I havne't had any problems with my HD service. Actually I think mine has gotten better as more of my neighbors have went from WOW to AT&T. LOL
  13. And then???? I don't want to hear a single person complain about how prison life is now compared to the past. I volunteer time at the old Mansfield prison. That is a real prison. And it was shut down because they deemed it "cruel and unusual punishment." F that, prison is for you to suffer for the crime you committed, not a place for you to just lay back for the next 5-10. IMO...All prisons should be old school designed, no TV, no computer, not contact with people from the outside and military style training and structure. Also a requirement for you to be released, you must learn a skill to help you find a job when you are let out.
  14. I haven't been in years, but yeah prices have gone way up if it is up to $3 a rib. I was down in Gattlinburg this spring for thier Wing and Rib fest and it was $10 for unlimited Ribs, wings, and sides. All you had to get was something to drink. But I heard that Jeep is suppose to have a mini-off road course to take their vehicles on a test drive. That is about the only reason I was thinking of going.
  15. Classic VW beetle? The best would have to be my old 79 Dodge Dipolmat. The front seat was a bench that was broke and had a pin holding it up. When you pulled the pin, it layed all the way back to the seat of the back seats. Instant full sized bed.
  16. I know there is one in downtown Cinny. I can't remember the name of it, but we were talking about it a few months ago on here.
  17. RIP Andyman. He was a cool guy and thanks to him, I got to see some cool shows and got to meet some cool people. He will be greatly missed in Columbus.
  18. Same thing happened when some game came out for the Wii a few years back where the character ran around with a "light saber." It had to go through a lot of hoops with Lucas films before it could be released.
  19. LOL way to pick your back ground for your photo. LOL
  20. The rear wheel bearings on my 2003 Hyundai Elantra are making noise and need to be replaced. From what I have read, you need to replace the whole wheel hub to fix. It seems like a pretty straight forward job if you the car has rear disc brakes (I do) and air tools and a lift. Basically remove brake caliper, remove rotor, and then remove the large bolt (30-34mm) holding on the wheel hub and swap in the new. I don't have the air tools or the time to do it myself. Anyone help me help me out? Willing to pay for work.
  21. A WJ hitch will not fit on a XJ.
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