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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I have always used the bait traps. Just put a couple of those near their trail and they are normally gone in a few days.
  2. Yep, you are either going to have to provide receipts or show on your bank statement that the co-pay was paid if you don't want to pay the $60 again.
  3. You should be able to find out the manufacture date if you can find the serial number if it even has one. With out it, it is probably going to be tough to find that info with out taking it to an apprasier
  4. That is crazy. But how much can he flex that thing???
  5. You are telling me. Luckly they don't still put the shots into your stomach.
  6. Honestly the 5.2L in the 93-98 Grands and the 4.7L in the 99-04 Grands only get about 1-2 less mpg than the 4.0L I6. If you go with one with a V8, just make sure they have been taken care of. If you take care of the 5.2L or 4.7L, it will last just as long as the 4.0L. But you will also see more of the V8 models with full time 4x4. It isn't a horrible job to swap transfer cases to get one that is 2wd and selectable 4wd.
  7. I know the drywall didn't completely fit in my Jeep Grand Cherokee that night, but it has everything you listed except the heated seats. But you can get those as an option on the Limited models of Grand Cherokee. Mine is a 2001, I got it for $5K with 111K miles. It has been a great vehicle so far for me. It is great in the snow (even with bald tires) and is a very comfortable ride for long trips.
  8. Last I heard was he is training again and is trying to get into the NFL. Oh and arena football is dead.
  9. A few home improvement projects and then the rest to pay on the house.
  10. Thanks to being in contact with a sick cat a few years back, I ended up having to get the rabies vaccine after it died with symptoms of rabies. It was just plan bad timing and the results from a rabies test would not back in time for the people that were in contact with the cat to be in the window to receive the vaccine. So all of us in contact with the cat ended up getting the rabies vaccine. I will say it sucked. The cat was given a fea and tick medicine from Hartz. Shortly after all this happened, Hartz had a huge recall on all there fea and tick medicines because pets were dieing with rabies like symptoms after receiving the medicine.
  11. Ok now that is a tough one there. Balloons are very risky if you can't flip the house before it is up. His best bet is trying to find someone that will refinance the mortgage and that is probably going to be damn hard to find someone that would be willing to do it. The bank is probably not willing to work on a short sale because the guy couldn't afford to pay the deficiency balance. Also another thing that might be coming into play is the type of loan he has. Say if it is an FHA loan, banks don't have much room they can give people since FHA loan regulations are set by the government, not the bank. The bank can only do what the FHA loans allow them to do.
  12. And even the bank can get them there. My wife does this daily for the local bank she works for. If the bank gets judgement for the deficiency balance before the bankruptcy is closed, they will normally be the first person to get money from the bankruptcy. Also it is normally stated on the deficiency balance paperwork. And most bank will sue for the deficiency balance if it is not paid in full within about 30 days after the sale. As soon as the bank gets judgement for the deficiency balance, they will start garnishing your wages to get there money. But of course, if you work with your bank from the beginning and you are honest, they will do everything they possibly can do to keep you in your home or for you to make some payments for the balance due.
  13. I am happy they are making this a law. And it is NOT a law yet, it still has to be signed by Mayor Coleman, who said he will sign. It will be signed in the next couple days. And no, there should not be a "grace" period. Be an informed citizen and read the paper, watch your local news channels, or read it on line, everyone it talking about it.
  14. You can pick up a hitch off a ZJ for less that $50 used. It is only held on by 4 bolts and takes about 15 minutes to install.
  15. Which engine and which transfer case (if you don't know, just list what the selector says, that will tell me which xfer case it is).
  16. I have Wow. The monthly guide is what comes in the mail, I cancelled mine after I was charged for it the first month. The guide on the TV works fine. I have no idea what the "HD Pak" is. I guessing that is for the 3 HD channels I don't get, but don't care about. Here is my bill: Wow Bundle...............$85.99 HDTV Receiver............$6.99 Additional Digital Rec....$6.99 Cable Modem Lease......$4.99 I know my bill just went up with Wow because I am out of that first 2 years deal with them. Which reminds me I need to call them to get it lowered. LOL
  17. BloodRed

    Pranks Today?

    Wow, I haven't been to that forum in a while. This will be interesting how this sorts out.
  18. Probably too "old" for you, but turboed Chrysler 2.2L and 2.5L's. Still wouldn't mind picking up a Shelby Daytona someday.
  19. I am considering dropping my personalized plates on my WJ. Just not really worth the cost. But that will all be depend if I can still find the RWB plates. I will pay to keep my "CORUPT1" plates if all they have are the farm ones.
  20. I currently DD a '03 Hyundai Elantra GT 5-door. 90K on the clock and only had it in the shop once. It is a very dependable little car and I wouldn't have a problem buying another for a DD.
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