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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Well if they can do it to a 300C, they can do it to a Charger with no change to the process or materials.
  2. Mike Huckabee??? - I haven't even heard of this guy. LOL
  3. yep it has to be either a custom job or one of the concept vehicles. They have talked about a convertable 300/Charger, but they are not coming from the factory.
  4. Does it have night shot? Have you used it and how well does the picture turn out?
  5. A real Irishman would have drank the wiskey first and then said where are those whores?
  6. I am at 161 and Frantz. I will keep the look out. Are we talking a lot of damage to the front end or maybe just a cracked front bumper?
  7. This happened to be 3 times yesterday. I thought they were out to get me all day yesterday. Idiots that just don't know how to dirve.
  8. That looks really fun. I am in.
  9. I think it depends on what you are looking for. The faster and more than likely cheaper of the 2 would be the Cobra. Tons of aftermarket will help you spend your extra money very quickly. If you are looking for a daily driver, I would go with the Charger. It does have some aftermarket support, but of course not as much as a Cobra would. I have seen some pretty good numbers out of the Chargers when you slap on a supercharger.
  10. I had Cingular about 5 years ago and was very happy to switch to Verizon when my contract was up. Back then, I lived in Columbus, and all my family lived over in Licking county. As soon as I was about a mile outside of 270, I was roaming. Back then they didn't have free roaming, so I would get hit with extra charges all the time. Shortly after I switched, they went to free roaming. When I went to cancel my contract with them, I had to fight for over 5 months to take off the early termination charge. They claimed I had a 2 year contract, but the contract paperwork I had only had us for 1 year. I was faxing a copy of that contract over to them about once a week trying to get this cleared up. My friends have Cingular and they love it, but most places out in the country, they don't have a signal or a very week one. While I have a full strengh digital signal. This past spring our friends and us spent a week in Gatlinburg, TN. Pretty much the whole time they were there, they couldn't get a signal and ended up having to use our phones to call anyone. But that is just my experience with them. I won't be switching back to them for any reason.
  11. Up on Craigslist: http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/431252931.html
  12. I got mine from Lowes. They are the plastic 5 shelf ones and I am pretty sure they hold close to 200lbs/shelf. I think I paid like $40-45 each. I haven't had any problems with them yet. I know when I was looking, I checked Home Depot and Target besides the places you mentioned.
  13. Looks like a wolf spider to me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_spider I have always heard they are good to have in your house since they will eat insects and such that may come in from the cold.
  14. Still for sale. Going up on Craigslist tonight.
  15. That sucks to hear. I wish him a speedy recovery.
  16. I can't remember the name of the game, but there is a game coming out soon for the Wii where the player uses a light saber look a like. It isn't a Star Wars game, but you can tell they ripped the light saber from Star Wars. They did a little preview of the game on G4 and they were saying that the light saber is fully fuctional like you would expect with use of the Wii remote. I looked through the upcomming games for the Wii and nothing looked like the game they reviewed.
  17. This thing has been sitting for about a year now, and I finally am getting around to trying to get rid of it. It is a Toshiba Satellite 2180CDT laptop. Here is what I know of about it. About 2 years ago, I got it off my old job where it had been used years ago by one of our people in the sales department. Since then it was primarily used to dump photos from our digital cameras during my groups ghost hunting invesitations. I got a new laptop about a year ago, and this one has just been sitting since then. Here are the specs: Toshiba Satellite 2180CDT -Processor: AMD-K6 3D Processor (Not sure on the speed, but what I could find said it came in 400MHz and 450MHz, I am guessing the lower) -64MB RAM -4 GB Hard drive -12.1" Display -CD-ROM Drive -3.5" Floppy Drive -Internal Modem -USB 1.0 (This will not work with any USB 1.1 or 2.0 devices. Good luck finding anything that is USB 1.0) -2 PC slots - standard size -Running a legal copy of Windows 98 Second Edition. Key sticker on bottom of laptop. I am including with it the following PC Cards: -Linksys Wireless G 2.4 GHZ 802.11g card - worked great the last time it was used over a year ago -3 Com Wired NIC card 10Mbps - I can't find the drivers disks or CD -6-In-1 Flash Memmory Card reader I have 2 batteries for the laptop and the AC adapter. The first battery was bought shortly after I got the laptop and lasts about 2-3 hours on a full charge. The other battery was the one that came with the laptop and can last about 15-20 minutes. The only thing wrong with the laptop is that the "~ `" key is loose and sometimes comes off. Other than that, it runs pretty good for its age and honestly has never let me down. Only got a blue screen of death a few times when installing the Wireless card. If I remember right you have to download a file from Linksys to get it to work with Windows 98. Yesterday I did a format and a clean install from the Recovery CD. I am also including a Cannon Bubble Jet 80 printer. This thing is small and made to go with a laptop. It is more than likely about the same age of the laptop but it still printed the test page when I set it up on the laptop yesterday. But it does make some interesting noises when printing. It uses serial cables to hook up to the laptop and doesn't have USB. I am honestly not sure what this thing is worth, so I will put it up for $50 OBO. Just make me offers or trades. Not sure what I am looking for, so if you are interested let me know what you have and we will see.
  18. hmm, I will have to check this out. I can always use more business cards for CORUPT. I have been buying the ones you print yourself for a while now and they seem to work pretty good. But some professional printed ones would be good too.
  19. Just a big FYI on Moonville, do not try to go out after 11. The National park that Moonville it is located in "closes" at 11. The park ranger out there has been going out there and chasing people off shortly before 11 every night. This happened to me this past summer and to quite a few others this past year. I don't know if they will be dropping off patroling that area now that the camping season has died down, but I highly doubt it. You are free to go out during the day, but at 11, it closes. If you are going to go down to do some metal detecting, make sure you go there this year. I spoke with a park ranger down there this year and they told me that Vinton county has purchased the old rail road line and will be paving it for a bike trail. They said there should be a new bridge across the stream by summer of next year. So of course this means many more people will be going out there and the chances of finding anything will drop. Also while down there, stop by the old Hope Furnance that is there. I doubt you will find much but it is cool to see. You should find a link to the write up to the Hope Furnance in the link I posted above.
  20. I live just a little north of that off, Flint and Park. I have been living there in an apartment for over 2 years now and really like the area. It seems to be pretty quite in the evenings and does seem to have a lot of young families living in the area. My wife and I are looking to buy a house in the area in the next year or so. As for parks, there are plenty. Highbanks Metro Park is just up 23 almost to Lewis Center. Also there are plenty of little parks all over that area. I am always taking my dog for a walk at the Flint park. It is a nice little park and it never seems very busy. Polaris is really just a jump skip up the road. Just get on Sancus and drive north and you will dead end right into Polaris. Since you said you work on Wilson Bridge road, I would just jump onto 23. Since you are going on the other side of 270, just stay in the left lanes on 23 and you will move pretty good. Getting off Campus View onto 23 at times can take a little bit of time because of all the businesses and people going turning to get onto 270. But like I said, all in all it seems to be a good area. I know where I live, it is a Westerville address, Worthington school district, and Columbus taxes.
  21. Look up Lake Hope State Park. It is a great, little known state park. I would suggest a hike out to Moonville and check out that area with your metal detector. I would be real interested to see what you find out there. Here is a link to my websites little write up on Moonville and some photos: http://www.coruptghosts.com/moonville.html
  22. What auto insurance companies do you work through? I will be looking around for a new one here in a couple weeks?
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