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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme game and Komani Dance Pad for Playstation 2. Great condition. Adult owned and played. $25 http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/380702881.html I also have some old Playstation one games that if anyone wants them they are for free or if you want to give me a small amount for them. All come in original jewel cases and have books/manuals. All games are scratch free. Rainbow Six Rogue Spear Need for Speed: High Stakes Touring Car Challenge Ford Racing
  2. BloodRed

    burning dvds

    I use DVDFab, DVDdecrypter, and DVDShrink. The only one that is being supported any more is DVDFab. Anyway, on most DVD's DVDShrink will work pretty much by itself. You set it up to use either Nero or DVDdecrypter to burn your DVD's. I like DVDdecrypter because I think it has more burn speed options. Some DVD's require the use of DVDdecrypter or DVDFab to copy the DVD to your hard drive first to remove the encryption. When that is done, just use DVDShrink to shrink the files and then burn.
  3. Have you checked Uhaul? I know the one in Newark has a large assortment of towing supplies to buy.
  4. Sweet8Tooth has told me he wants to come check it out this weekend as well. If he doesn't get back with me before then, I will send you my address.
  5. From what I heard before I got to work is the followed the trail of the fluid and found the vehicle and they have a "person of interest"
  6. Wow that is pretty ugly looking. I guess they are trying to get into 4-door sports car comp.
  7. My sister bought a Ford Escort EXP from them a long time a go and it ended up being the most piece of crap car ever. With in a week, stuff started breaking on it. It seemed as soon as one thing was fixed, something else did. It has been to long ago for me to remember what all was wrong with it. My sister made a bad choice. When I was in college, I had a strange obsesion with the new VW Beetles Turbos. I was really good friends with one of the sales guys at Byer's Imports and I would stop there after classes and he would let me drive them. So I knew quite a bit about them and their pricing. One day I saw Denny Dotson's had a base model Beetle and I figured I would stop in and at least see how much he wanted for it. The car had 28K miles on it and he wanted 2 grand less than a brand new turbo model. I told him that they were out of there mind to sell that car for that price since you could buy a new one with no miles for less than that. The sales man just turned around and walked back to the office.
  8. Oh snap!, you gotz the ID theft
  9. During Turkey and Deer season, Buckeye Outdoors normally carries 10 ga rounds. Also you can find them on most of the online ammo sites that carry shotgun ammo.
  10. Thanks, I should have checked with you before I put this up. And it is FFL not FFA.
  11. Normally if they have the rest of your SSN, that is all they request to verify you are who you claim to be. That is all the collection company my wife works for requests.
  12. Yeah getting a gun across state lines can be a bit of a pain. If it has to be shipped out of state, it has to go through a licensed gun dealer. Most charge anywhere from $35-50 on top of shipping charges and expect the receiving gun dealer to want the same before anyone could pick the gun up.
  13. I am not a shotgun man, but I am learning on handguns (my interest in the gun world). Like I said, I never fired the gun, so I don't know about that. I would put the gun as in "good" condition. There is just a few spots on the underneith side where the camo paint seems to have come off a bit or isn't painted (I am not sure). There is a little bit of surface rust on the tip of the barrel. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with it. I checked a gun forum I am on and they said the blue book gun value is 100% to 60% -$135-$115-$95-$80-$70-$60-$55.
  14. As much as the government hates to call it what it is, but it is your federal ID number. They track all things through it because it is the one that that *should* be different for every single person.
  15. Hopefully it is ok to put this up here at CR. I have for sale an American Arms, Inc. 10 ga. Shotgun. It has a camo paint job on it. Barrel is 26" long and uses 3 1/2" rounds. The gun is Made in Italy. I can't tell you to much about the gun. It was given to me by my father-in-law and all I have done is clean it up and put it in my gun cabnet. I have never fired it, and I don't have any place where I live for you to fire it. Here are a few photos of it. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/BloodRedStratus/IMG_2504.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/BloodRedStratus/IMG_2506.jpg Included in the sale is an Allen gun bag and 5 deer slugs and 10 turkey shots. You must be at least 18 years old for me to sell to you. $100.00 obo
  16. I like Drew Carey and his shows. I don't know how well he will do hosting Price is Right, but I would be willing to watch it to see how he does.
  17. I put one up in a park in Utica for my Eagle Scout project. It was pretty easy to work with and put up. I know it lasted a good 8 years before a fire truck cut the corner too sharply and took out a section of it. Shortly after that they removed the whole thing so they could expand the fire station.
  18. Nice looking car, but wouldn't buy it from Denny Dotson.
  19. Accounting Clerk at Netsmart Technologies Nights and weekends, see signature
  20. It actually depends on the show. I have been to all age's shows there and I have been to 18 and over. Most of the shows are 18 and over. I can't remember if you are under 18 that they mark your hands or if you are over 21 they give you the wrist band thing. I would suggest checking out there website, it is normally listed by show or call and find out. Of course I always see people sneaking into the bathroom when they come to collect the money and then after they go buy just get back in line. Takes some over the age limit friends though.
  21. I am pretty sure Phill Stallings does over outside of Newark. He has a classic car dealership there.
  22. Wow, good story and good thinking. I know I would be down those stairs as well. Basically the same thing has happened to me a few times through out my life. I think it was shortly after the last time it happened that my wife asked me to buy her a gun as well. Now I know I will have some cover going down those stairs. That is until the baby comes, then she is right there protecting the most important thing.
  23. For a daily, get the Civic. Don't even think about the BMW unless you have big pockets to repair it.
  24. Yeah it came out July 10th. Tarantula is there single that is out now. The first song an the album, Doomsday Clock is in the new Transformers movie. To me it is a typical SP album. Some songs on the CD I could care less about, but then they got some good ones. I would say 8 of the 13 tracks (I have the Best Buy edition that has the extra song) are good.
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