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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. What the hell is an 8-5? If you're refering to an AE85, we never got them in the USA. Yes I've seen people who rolled their odometer, I just wouldn't want to harm this cluster, so I'm seeing if there's anyway for someone else to do it.


    You dont need to be so thickheaded. I am refering to the fact that other people in the world DID get the Eight-Five, and in general most forums are international.

  2. I believe that it is legal to reset your odometer if you rebuild an engine, however as to exactly how to do it you might want to hit up all of the 8-5/8-6 websites. I am sure someone could help you from Club 4AG.


    Edit: Are you doing a straight swap or are you going to do internal stuff first?

  3. are you fucking serious? if that was an attempt at a joke, you failed poorly. i dont know how someone could wish harm on anyone, especially because of what kind of car he/she may be driving. get serious and grow the fuck up


    Did I say I wanted the driver to be harmed? I couldnt care less about the human, its only the car I want to see fucked up on 27 different levels. And besides, if Safety is not your number one priority, what goes around comes around. A certain someone's Colt is a good example of how safety can save your life.


    I am putting you on 20mlg of chill pill. *writes prescription*

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