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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. You make fun of me for posting about a relatively rare car like a Noble, and to the fact it was participating in the Cannonball. I was simply asking if the cannonball was in town because I saw the graphics on the car. Then you come on here posting about a Corolla?? Give me a break kid.


    I hope you arent talking about me, because I dont even know what thread you are talking about. The one I made was to poke fun at this one.



  2. listen, this is pointless. we could try to have an e-penis fight all day, but it would get no one no where.


    Ill leave it at this, I will call the car what I want to call it. It doesnt matter what you call it, we all know we are talking about the same car. I am sick of these retarted little "NO MAN, ITS A COROLLA!" fights breaking out. They dont accomplish anything.


    Back to the original topic, does anyone know who this guy is, or how to contact him?

  3. I probobly would not have been polite as well. I remember when we switched to MSN Dial Up around '98 before we got Ameritech DSL, my dad went through the same thing. People trying to dance around what you want to happen should be lined up and shot.
  4. No man! Its a Corolla! A fucking Corolla WTF, dont you know that? We are in fucking america, its a fucking corolla! Fuck me!


    Its people like verse who give Corolla owners a bad name. He has even gone as far as to edit my posts on Ohio Drifiting where I say "Hachi Roku" or "Eight Six" to say Corolla. One reason why I really dont visit there any more.

  5. I was making fun of people who see super cars. If I want to see a super car, Ill go watch Top Gear.


    And I didnt call it a Hachi-roku, I called it an eight six, because thats what it is. We have more than just Corolla's in the US. If you disagree, youre a fucking idiot. Good day.

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