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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. Pat, is your buddy going to race Anthony or not? Anthony's good for only one good call-out a season, and this one looks to be it. See, we're all hoping that your buddy will say yes, and then we'll all goad Anthony into racing us five-wide on the Outerbelt.


    I see no reason why he wouldnt aside from the current problems. How about this, as soon as Brenden gets his shit fixed I will make sure he runs you (DarkFormula). I am not sure if he is down for the whole "Mullet and Pontiac sticker" thing, but I am sure he would give you a go.

  2. My friend didnt come on here to talk shit. People started treating him like he was some stupid ricer kid because he played it safe and didnt race. Also, people are treating him like he is driving some stock slow ass Supra. This thing is not stock at all. And yes, I agree with him. I bet Brenden would have won regardless.


    Thank you, Sam, for looking at the bigger picture instead of being an idiot like half the people on this board like to act.

  3. 1) A 1988 Supra is not "new".


    2) How in the world does this guy know your friend is having boost and electrical problems? Did you yell this out of the window at him?


    1) New to him, hes had it 2 days.


    2)Why should we bother? He wasnt going to run him anyway. I also think you missed the little "POLICE STATION" thing.



  4. We were travelling down Morse headed toward 77nova's house in his new 1988 Toyota Supra turbo, when this guy rolls up next to us at a light. We are busy talking and dont really notice he is there, but I sort of saw him out of the corner of my eye. His liscence plate was like "CROSSUSJ" or something like that... Anyway, as soon as the light changes, he takes off real fast. We continue to talk and he sort of slows to let us catch up to him. This time we take notice, because it is blatently intentional. He gets next to us and just guns it.


    Listen dude, there was no way in hell Brenden was going to run you. A) Hes having some boost and electrical problems we were trying to solve and B) you did what you did right in front of the police station at the corner of Karl and Morse.


    So congrats, you are an idiot. Good day. I hope stepping on the throttle made you feel special.

  5. Bullshit. You THINK he needs a monitor, but won't know until tomorrow? If he NEEDS one that bad, he can go to the Salvation Army and pick one up for $20.


    IMO, you call dibs when you HAVE THE MONEY in hand and are willing to purchase like now. If Will gets someone with the money willing to purchase, then I'd think he'd be inclined to sell it to that person.


    I don't want a monitor personally, but do believe there's others that will want this right now and can pay right now.


    If your buddy wants this monitor, he can post on here himself about wanting it and get in line if there is one. No more of this "future dibs while you wait until tomorrow" shit.


    The last time I made a comment like that, it got deleted and I got banned for a half a week by nurkvinny, which is bullshit on 26 different levels. I think everyone should be treated equally, administrator or otherwise.


    And I am pretty sure that friend was me. And no, I dont have the money for it.

  6. just click on his sig pic


    you'll get all the info you need ;)



    lol acutally, the database on our server finally bit the dust. Weve had to make Whempys.com redirect to Chris_F's Confirm Page. Our new site should be up about a week before the next party. Contact me on aim with any questions.


    SN: MegamanEXEv2

  7. ATi TV Wonder VE PCI- Its just the card in a static bag, thats all you get. Works fine, I dont use it because I got a TV Wonder Pro - $20


    3Com Super Stack II Rackmount 10mb 12 port Hub - $20


    Matrix Orbital MX212 5 1/4 USB Drivebay LCD Display with Keypad - Comes with the Original Disk and a Key for the full version of LCDC, they sell new for $100, so Ill set my price at $70, which seems fair. http://www.matrixorbital.com/product_info.php?pName=mx212&cName=lcd-mx2-series - $70


    iOmega Zip drive (just the drive) - $10

    iOmega Jazz drive (just the drive) - $10


    RedOctane Ingition 2 DDR Pad with Hard Pad Insert for PS2 and Xbox - $50

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