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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. I love that all these manufacturers are coming back to the WRC. It looks like the spec rule changes that they put in place are having the exact effect they wanted. The cars are cheaper to build up, so more companies can afford to join in. You get sick of seeing Citroen and Ford all the time, and with the news that Loeb will only be part time in 2013, and could be retiring/moving to another form of racing, it might actually be exciting to watch again. That now makes Citroen, Ford, Mini, VW, and Hyundai.


  2. I have a 9930 for work. Almost no developer support what so ever, which means no apps of any real use. The apps that are on there are half-assed clones of apps on other devices. Thanks to the nature of my job, I only need it when I'm at work.


    There is a reason why their market share is falling every day. Honestly the only thing keeping them alive are people in corporate positions of power that are resistant to change. Hell, even my company is slowly going the iOS direction for everyone.

  3. Where did you get your case?


    Best Buy at Polaris. The bumper part is more rubbery than smooth plastic like the one I had for my iPhone 4, which is a tad annoying, but we will see if I can find another one like the one I had down the road. The one on my iPhone 4 came from Walmart. I like them both because they add very little bulk to the phone, while adding some layer of protection.

  4. My Dad was a rally driver, I hang out with rally drivers and co-drivers (when I get to see them anyway), I had a semi successful rally blog, and cover rallying on my YouTube channel. But sure, the make of my daily driver is my qualification. :rolleyes:
  5. I also bought one coming from an iPhone 4. I have used Siri way more than I thought I would, its just so damn convenient. Especially when texting or getting directions. The improved internet speeds are great, even though us people who have AT&T are only on HSPDA+ yet and not LTE (but its coming soon). I have a Griffin low profile case with a clear back like I had on my iPhone 4, and the only reception issues I have are at work, where I essentially sit in a Faraday Cage.
  6. Even though I cancelled my order and got refunded my money, I got an 2 emails today from AT&T telling me that they had shipped my phone, with a tracking number and everything....allegedly its being over nighted, so we will find out tomorrow if I got a free iPhone 5. LMAO


    I haven't upgraded to iOS 6 based solely on that. Don't worry, I'll contact someone when I get it. I was planning on buying one anyway.

  7. We were in 7th grade English class, our teacher was called out and was gone for probably 10 or 15 minutes and most of us could tell something was up. When she came back, we were told nothing except that we were being sent back to homeroom when we were told. Watched the second plane hit live. We later walked over to the church (catholic school next door to the church) and prayed.
  8. Can't speak to LTE as I have an iPhone 4, but I don't really have an issues anywhere in town that I go to regularly. It can really drop down signal wise when you're in doors, but thats a GSM issue, not an AT&T issue. CDMA penetrates things better than GSM. Dropped calls, for me anyway, are rare.
  9. They are throttling people who have an unlimited plan now (I have one too). If the iPhone 5 isn't a big enough upgrade, I am taking my iPhone 4 to T-Mobile. They are adjusting their wireless spectrum so that iPhones will fully work on their network now, HSPA+ and everything. There are rumors floating around offering a $75 a month iPhone plan that has unlimited everything and tethering thrown in.





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