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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. Still doing DDPYoga every night. Also bought an elliptical and put it together over the weekend, and have been doing that after Yoga. I am also doing Shayloss September with the shayloss channel on youtube, which means that I am doing a video blog every night. I like it because it is adding both a level of support and a level of accountability. Its going pretty awesome.


    Oh yeah, down 40ish lbs total, so 20 more than my last update.

  2. I picked up that HD collection for 360, looks great but I still hate the controls.


    Peace Walker has MGS4 style controls and combat, which to me anyway, made it play much better than MGS2 and 3, so there is that to look forward or skip to.


    Something to look out for: The PS2 had pressure sensitive buttons, so if you had your finger on the trigger in MGS2/3, and for whatever reason you decided not to take a shot, you could let go of the fire button slowly to put your gun down. The only way to do that on the 360 version is to tap your shoulder button to put the gun away. If you just let go of the button, whatever weapon you have in hand will fire and alert the guards.

  3. I have peace walker for the PSP but not the remastered HD version for the PS3, just an FYI I remember you telling me you also have the PS Vita? if so the Metal Gear game for the Vita has Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater & the original Metal Gear 1 and 2 games from the NES days.


    They are also on the 360 and PS3 versions in MGS3, as the one they used was the Subsistence version, and they were actually for the MSX not the NES. Kojima had nothing to do with the NES Metal Gears, and in fact is quoted as calling them "crap".

  4. been waiting for this one for some time now, the only one I didn't care for was Metal Gear Portable Ops for the PSP, the rest of the games were awesome. Metal Gear solid for the PS1 is still my favorite with Snake Eater at a very close 2nd.


    Portable Ops was very "eh...". I highly suggest PEACE WALKER, though. I think its one of the best games in the series, and right in the trailer for GZ you see Chico from PW and they mention Paz from PW also.. At the very least, the story makes the most sense. lol. There are a bunch of "Let's Plays" for it out there if you don't feel like playing it yourself.


  5. do they make any MGS games for xbox now or is it still playstation only? I'm curious because I love these games, but I haven't kept up with them.


    Yes, all MGS games from now on will be multiplatform. In addition, you can pick up the MGS HD Collection, which has MGS 2 and 3, and MGS PEACE WALKER for Xbox 360 and PS3. They couldn't include MGS1 for a lot of reasons that I am too lazy to explain here. I wouldn't count on MGS4 for 360 though, that game was custom written to push the PS3 to it's limits. I think to this day its the only PS3 game to completely fill up a Blu-ray disk. I could see it being re-released next generation though.

  6. tether your phone with your work computer and disable the local ethernet connection. if you need to use exchange then use outlook web access while you do it.


    If exchange is setup properly you shouldn't need to use outlook web.

  7. I'm not at all familar with Linux. I'm a simply guy, turn PC on, have it work every time, not have to be an IT expert doing so. I have a fair share of software and am not sure it's Linux compatible. :confused:


    Your software doesn't matter as we are talking about the kids' machine. Ubuntu is as easy as it gets. Download it, burn it to a CD/DVD/USB drive, put it in and follow the prompts. Never worry about viruses and spyware because it is literally impossible for (most) viruses to run on Linux.



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