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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Rally Pat

    iPhone halp

    Can I ask while I am in here, if you have AT&T, why was your phone unlocked?
  2. Rally Pat

    iPhone halp

    Baseband/unlock stuff is outside of my area of expertise, I am pretty strictly jailbreak only. Sorry. :\
  3. You still do it through itunes, you just download the 4.0.1 firmware....
  4. It looks fucking badass.
  5. Bear Grylls is a joke. Les Stroud ftw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBmhNA7JME4
  6. Works for basically everything except iPad 2. http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/4332841631/three-years-of-pwnage-tool
  7. It doesn't really matter, imo anyway. I'm to the point where I only buy Subarus that have blown head gaskets. If they are in running condition, they hold their value remarkably well, but when they are broke, they are cheaper than dirt. Take my Legacy wagon for example, I bought it a few weeks back for $500, blown headgaskets. Now, I haven't had a chance to fix it yet, but Sean (crossle) and I have done enough of these things to know that 8 hours and a few hundo worth of parts later I will have a daily that runs like new and will be worth several times what I paid for it. As for headgaskets, I am pretty sure there is a schedule, but I don't remember what it is.
  8. Saw this posted on the official MegaSquirt facebook page. Fucking awesome.
  9. I missed most of this, anyone going to the ricer meet after?
  10. About Subarus: Head gaskets blow if they haven't been done on schedule. That being said, they are incredibly easy to replace yourself, and the heads are almost never warped. In addition, they are simply unbeatable in the winter. Fuel economy is not a selling point however, if thats an issue.
  11. I suppose its about to bump it anyway.
  12. You just replied to a thread from a year ago.
  13. "Horatio, there was a rodent in the victim's energy drink can." "Well I guess you could say...." *puts on sunglasses* "He found a monster."
  14. inb4someidiotsaysitsagirlcar Probably the best roadster money can buy, and a massive aftermarket to go whatever way you want.
  15. Any of the Cisco/Linksys routers are the way to go. The older ones had issues with going bad after about a year or so, like the first few versions of the WRT54G, but my latest one has been running about a year and half without a forced reboot. Not taking into account power outages, of course.
  16. Um...Travis never sucked at rally until the last event he was in, which was after he was already in NASCAR. Kimi also said that he is staying in WRC.
  17. lmao that is almost 2 separate hilarious videos in one
  18. I buy whatever middle of the road wipers I can find, not too cheap, not too expensive. If it gets the rain off the windshield, its done its job.
  19. http://www.heyokay.com/images/FEELS%20GOODMAN.jpg
  20. This commentator needs to die. Seriously. He clearly knows nothing about cars, let alone rally.
  21. Rally Pat


    Lots of classics on Netflix, but I haven't watched any new series in years. I saw Trigun out there, definitely one to watch.
  22. http://www.livestream.com/xgames?lsci_op=185105695 They have stuff playing now, though.
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