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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Here is something that I don't quite understand. Android people always argue specs when it comes to Apple devices, when it doesn't make any difference what so ever on the Apple end. All of the iOS software is written for a few specific devices, it doesn't HAVE to have x amount of ram, x processor, x graphics processor. Yes, there are apps that benefit from added horsepower, like the stuff specific to the iPhone 4 and the iPad/iPad 2, but I've always found the specifications argument stupid. There are a bagillion Android devices, so that argument works there, but makes no sense when going Android whatever HTC Suckmycawk4GExtremeMountainDew edition vs an Apple device.
  2. Just to remind people who are going "WHY THE FUCK CANT I PLAY THIS?" You need to have Chrome or some other browser that supports HTML5
  3. I was about to say, go phone dials.
  4. http://perfectpandas.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/sad-panda-podiatrist.jpg
  5. Old thread is gone now, it looks like. I decided to take my car in a slightly different, and easier, direction with the motor setup. Problems with the previous plan: Few people have EJ22T swaps, and no one has done what I was doing before. IE EJ22T/EJ25 Hybrid, STi Intake, so on and so forth. The key issue is the fitment of the stock WRX exhaust components with the 2.5 RS heads, they dont clear them. So, I have a new plan. As soon as my return gets deposited, hopefully this week, I will be ordering an Version 3 STi motor and transmission, the EJ20K. The engine management has not changed, Megasquirt 2. The swap will be completed much sooner this time, as I don't have to track down and mix/match parts. In addition, some of the other stuff I collected will be used on this build as well, like my exhaust. Hopefully though, she will be running here soon. This also sets up future options for the car as well. The 20K's are rumored to have weak bottom end. The community seems pretty split down the middle about their reliability, but the point is that if the bottom ever lets go, that paves the way for the standard EJ20/EJ257 hybrid build. So either way, I think this is the best route. I get a beefier transmission with this setup too.
  6. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88720&highlight=epicmealtime Not the first repost either
  7. Beat me to it, 4 time national champion hardly makes him a bad driver. He is better than Block by leaps and bounds.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUH3JQjcweM
  9. I recently went back to a place a worked at a couple years ago but got laid off from when I was an intern. They brought me back to a job where I walk a lot, doing client support in the IT dept. I have been flat footed my entire life, and it makes things like running/playing sports/hiking difficult, not to mention walking on a concrete floor all day supporting people on the plant floor here and walking to the various office areas around the building. It kills my feet pretty bad. Someone suggested getting some Dr. Scholl's inserts of something like that. I just wanted to know if anyone had a similar condition and how they dealt with it. Thanks.
  10. Head gaskets, plural. Its boxer/flat 4, it has 2 heads.
  11. Any of the NA ones will do what you want. They also hold their value extraordinarily well. Late nineties Subarus in decent condition, even with high miles, go for 3-4k, maybe even more depending on the model. People who own them usually own them for a long time, so high mileage is common (200k ish area). The method to buying an old Subaru on the cheap is to buy a broken one and fix it. Issues: Head gaskets. Its just part of owning a Subaru. 99% of the time, the heads aren't warped, so changing them out is easy, but you have to pull the motor. That only takes an hour tops. Most of the broken ones on craigslist have blown head gaskets. Tranmissions are kind of weak, don't abuse them too much unless you have spares sitting around or a friend who fixes transmissions. They will serve you well otherwise. Gas mileage. Subarus are known for shitty numbers compared to other 4 cyls. Pros: Hold value extremely well. Can't be beat in the snow. All of them have variations of the same motor, so parts are everywhere and interchangeable. Even new parts are dirt cheap. Easy to service. Taking the motor out is unplugging the harness connectors and hoses, undoing the transmission bolts and the 2 motor mount bolts, and out it comes.
  12. I couldn't find anything for sure, but it sounds like it takes any old 2.5 inch sata hard drive. You can buy them pretty much anywhere, Micro Center probably being the cheapest.
  13. can haz invites, pm for details.
  14. Honestly its really easy to torrent TV shows. Get a Demonoid account. If the torrent is a new release, it is almost guaranteed to download in minutes.
  15. My main desktop doubles as a media center. I use netflix, Hulu Desktop (probably the closest thing to a set top box experience you can get), and I also go to each of the network's sites and watch stuff after it airs. Control stuff from my bed using HippoRemote for iPhone.
  16. Austin Powers: Only two things scare me and one of them is nuclear war. Basil Exposition: What's the other? Austin Powers: Excuse me? Basil Exposition: What's the other thing that scares you? Austin Powers: Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands. Seriously though, tall structures at night. Water towers, TV towers, cell towers, ect. I can't look at them.
  17. Driving Colin Mcrae's old X-Games car.... http://www.worldrallysport.com/node/7229 Maybe he wants to see if he is better than the guy who replaced him?
  18. Since I gave up cable a few months back, I usually wait for a series or season to end, and watch it all at once. I just started watching the BBC Miniseries "Sherlock", and thats pretty awesome. Other than that, Doctor Who.
  19. Been working on this myself recently. Just trying to clean things up and work out more often. I've lost 20ish lbs, but would like to go much further than that. Definitely can't afford a personal trainer, though.
  20. I'm not crying, theres something in both my eyes...
  21. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/creepyshanton.png
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