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Everything posted by Akula

  1. http://columbus.craigslist.org/trd/887553778.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/tch/886534866.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/sci/877457589.html
  2. Well, it is my cousin and I have purchased 3 boxes in the past. They have Cuban Tax Stamp on the box. I have purchased Cohibas (Robustos and Siglios) (spicy smoke, very oily wrapper) and some Romeo y Julietta. tell me what you want and I can have them get them.
  3. I remember working at the ship-yard. I see a crane rigger sitting on his toolbox. I ask him what is up. "This door needs to be taken off its hinges so I can get this electronics cabinette through and off the boat" "So take it off." "Oh, no, that is the Tin Knocker shop. I cannot cross lines like that" "ok, go grab a cup of coffee in the crews mess, I will watch for the Tin Knocker" "thanks man" I open his tool box and use a screw driver to pop the pins on the hinges and remove the door.... The Tin Knocker assigned never did show up and that guy would have sat there all night making $60/hr, but nothing would have gotten done. That kind of thing closes businesses and then no one has a job. Places where there are safety issues that no one else deals with, fire fighters for example, they can have a union to ensure the dept buys safety equipment. But state bargaining units for state employees and UAW that stuff, no reason. I would like to form a bargaining unit to compete with the state employee's BU. I wonder if I could sue them for monopoly?
  4. If you need cigars from that island off of Florida's coast, you know, Fidel's place. Let me know. But you gotta buy them a box at a time.
  5. I have a semi-cheap OTA antenna and it keeps f'ing up my recorded shows on channel 4. I cannot seem to get very high signal strength. So, what is the best solution to this? Giant, chimney strapped, arial from the 50s?
  6. Here is what you do. find out what the law says. If there is a noise law, they are breaking it if the dog is noisy. Then you walk next door and very calmly, very nicely, explain that their dog is quite loud and it is really disturbing you. If they do nothing and there is a noise law, call the police (not 911) and complain. do it every 30 minutes as long as it bothers you. Eventually, you will bother the police enough that they will come out and cite the neighbor. Do not call the police without going next door and asking them to do something about the dog.
  7. Canon VS Nikon is a religious argument. I have a Nikon D100. I like Nikon for their glass. It doesn't really matter, the semi-low end DSLR for both are decent cameras. Just take a class.
  8. Wait, Freida Felcher from cranston?
  9. I posted a while back my friend buying a 50 bmg for when Osama comes into office, it will be worth much more.
  10. Akula

    Mac People

    I use mine for to many things as a professional geek, I cannot have the air for the lack of ports. My MB Pro is only 2 months old anyway, no need for a new one.
  11. The only thing I would have done different is dialed 911 first. They teach you that running for "known help" can be dangerous because you might trip and knock yourself out and suddenly no one knows where you are, meanwhile you don't have help coming. I hope he is OK, sucks to have this happen.
  12. You need some kind of anti-spam software. If you use Thunderbird, it will do pretty good with it. Outlook doesn't do anti-spam on its own, you need your own tool. http://www.avg.com/home-and-office-security?type=ps3925e
  13. I would report the fire door being chained shut to OSHA, anonymously.
  14. My job didn't transfer to the outside. There aren't many SONAR techs running around Columbus that are employed in a sound field. The experience, the maturity, the understanding, those are all the best part.
  15. It has paid off for me again and again, but then again Submarine Service has a nice ring to it and looks quite good on a resume. I would say my first relatively high paying jobs $40k+ (pre-2000) were all due to military service. I really liked my time in, I would do it again and again.
  16. You need to drink the same things and eat the same things in order to do this scientifically. You need a control feeling after drinking, and then ply the various prevention techniques.
  17. Akula


    I just peel it open and eat the flesh, spit the seeds (spitter jokes to follow I am sure).
  18. Where did you send them from? when you went to email the seller, what program opened?
  19. Well, it is a pretty idiotic song. That could explain it...
  20. Akula


    Grow your own.... I buy them where ever they are sold. When my sister lived in Vegas she had one.
  21. We have triggers that shut our markets down. IMHO, we have enjoyed some of the greatest inflation of all time. We need a good hard correction followed by prosperity. We need to realize where our wealth comes from (it aint from having every job go overseas) and focus on that.
  22. Akula

    Please tell me...

    Presidents don't do much for change. Other than being able to declare war, they aren't able to directly effect much of anything.
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