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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I just got back from Hawaii. It depends on what you want to do. Hilton Waikaloa Village is very nice, it is on the Big Island near Kona. Renting a car is a good idea, drive around the island it is a tropical rain forest on one side and a desert on the other. Take a look at my Hawaii page. http://scubaforlife.googlepages.com/hawaii_the_big_island if you are looking for night life, Kona has some pretty great bars and clubs. Maui, Oahu, Honolulu are all very expensive compared to the Big Island.
  2. I finally found a company that will do a T1 to my house. I cannot get DSL, there is no cable modem, EVDO is OK but no upload speed really sucks. So, T1 it is. Too bad the cable company didn't want the $300/month I was willing to spend.
  3. Akula

    insults for chicks

    "Shut your cum catcher" "You need to find out who taught your sister to suck like that and take a lesson"
  4. Akula

    CNG tanks

    Doesn't columbia gas have a fleet of vehicles that run on CNG? I figure they gotta be able to answer your question.
  5. CRTs take some pretty serious voltages to run. The power supplies burn out pretty readily.
  6. When I was in the Navy we had a guy in school that was on mandatory PT because he was fat. in reality he had less than 6% body fat, he was solid. They did the calculation on a normal person's height/weight/neck/waist measurments. He had no neck from all the working out. I think we should switch to something like resting heart rate versus stressed rate to lable someone "fit" and body shape or something to list them as "fat".
  7. When france settled in Montreal the king rounded up all the good looking parisian prostitutes and sent them to Montreal.
  8. I lived in Stockholm for a month. It is a great city, very cool vibe. The winter isn't too bad except for the sun never coming up. Really great history and very cool museums. Not everyone speaks english, the older crowd doesn't.
  9. In my traveling around I have met quite a few expats in various countries. I have a friend in New Zealand that really loves it there, I know a few people in the UK and in Australia. Have you ever wanted to live in another country? (I know there are a few people that read this that are in the middle east, that counts)
  10. Drive north a couple of hours to Duluth or Two Harbors and see Lake Superior, also this is where the real Minnesota is (Native Minnesotan speaking).
  11. Prases that remove the sting of anything I read on the internet and cause them to immediately lose credibility. "STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or Media outlet...do it"
  12. Akula

    Weather Rant:

    3 weeks ago I spent every day outside laying a paver patio under beautiful sunny, cloud free, skys. Then I went to cold ass foggy San Francisco for two weeks, come back and it is raining.
  13. I turned 16 in 89, gas was around $.85/gallon. My current vehicle would have cost $10 to fill. I get right at 330 miles per tank. Today it costs right around $47.
  14. I use an application in my mac called Perian which allows Quicktime to view anything. I don't know if there is a similar application on windows.
  15. Since you are using IE7 I will assume windows platform. You need an accelerator. What is your internet connection like? DSL? Cable, EVDO?
  16. I think they prey on the uneducated and those that don't really understand money. RAC (Rent A Center) does a huge amount of business and they charge insane rates. When I was in college we did a study on RAC/Rent to own stuff. We spec'd out a simple stereo that was $300 and at the end of the term when it was finally purchased it was something like $4000. Is that right? It is if you can get someone to sign on and buy!
  17. I need Verizon, not that I want Verizon, I need it. Nothing else works at my house. I have the opportunity to earn an iPhone where I work, the new one, I am not even going to try. No use. I have a BB 8830, BES and BIS email plus it does the web via Opera, Skype and Google Talk. Not much more needed as far as communication goes. The iPhone is very cool and you can probably tell I am a mac fan, I just don't have a use for it. BTW, I can run OSx, Windows and Linux (three OSs) on my mac and I don't even notice it is happening. I don't think they are gimmicky at all, macs are very powerful.
  18. A resume should never be more than 1 page, IMHO. A CV can be as long as you like but a Resume should be a one page snapshot.
  19. Holy older than the internet batman... $1000 per share at about $20/share is 50 shares, no? NT closed today over $8.
  20. I have done this MANY times in the past and $250/box is definitely an insider price. I prefer Cohibas. Currently I have plenty from my own supplier but I will keep you in mind.
  21. Jones subcontracts on smaller jobs that aren't slinger. I just got 411 from them, cheap and fast. I like them but don't make out the check when you order it, it will be someone else.
  22. Look at Directron.com and Newegg.com both should have laptop deals. I only buy high end laptops because you get what you pay for.
  23. 2, he made it like 80% of the way.
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