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Everything posted by Bam

  1. welcome, 8000k is too gay, its purple. you want between 4500k and 6000k honestly, 6000k is bluish white, slightly bluer that factory hid's on cars. which are usually around 5200k. obviously the lower the number the whiter and then yellow the light. 8000k projects MUCH less light output than even 6000k and is honestly purple and completely FAKE. You want the coolness of hid's fine, but do yourself a favor and get one that IMPROVES your quality of vision as well as looks classy, not ricerish and is noticeable by everyone. just my .02
  2. SIIIICK. 5lbs and that much power, where does it start spool and get full boost at? where's it die off?
  3. I would like to shoot the 12ga a couple times if you don't mind. I've never fired a shotgun and have thought about getting one for home security, so it'd be nice to feel it out. see ya there at noon. i'll be in a red gtp. Are we meeting in the parking lot or lobby or what?
  4. kinda weird that they are the only place that does it time limit.... BW would be $22.5 for *ithink* all day for my gf and me, $15+7.50. OVO would be $26 for the two of us, again i think all day NASR would be $30.95 for all day Powder room would be $20/hour for 2 people, so two hours would be $40. It seems that BW offers everything that people want and is the cheapest if we plan to stay more than one hour, which I do. So I say leave it at blackwing....
  5. I don't know where any of these are, lol, was just gonna mapquest it in the morning. I definitely don't need any more ammo, lol I've got like 750 rounds of 9mm and dont have a .22 so no point to buy the cheap ammo. just to also point out, powder room is $10/booth/half hour, but 2 people can share a booth, so essentially $10/person/hour.
  6. cash or taxable? it'd be abitch to do all that paperwork for one night...
  7. I've never been there but the powder room was only $5/person...so yeah that does sound high. Anyone know if new albany is cheaper?
  8. ahhhhh, im glad i stocked up on bullets in case the zombies come!!
  9. thanks goes to austin for saving this thread, again folks the range meet is TOMORROW ----as in SUNDAY.
  10. I just picked up 6 boxes at walmart. they had 10 boxes of 9mm winchester 100rd at easton walmart, nowhere else and I checked 5 stores. ghey.... But i'm set for a little bit, thank god. see you guys at noon
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220496471753&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT#v4-36 8 min left!
  12. its like a paul groupie concert in here...
  13. come join us tomorrow at NOON at blackwing range in delaware. theres a decent group of CR people gonna show up and I'm sure you can test out a few guns, I'll let you try out my ruger if you want... see the thread just below this one...
  14. jesus, can nobody spell anymore? its DEREK, as stated in his profile, he's been on this board how many years and hooked how many people? i mean damn.
  15. Not necessarily. She said "all random-like", which I took as meaning if you ask her/tell her and work towards it, she'd take it. If then, then yeah, perfection.
  16. you never answered if you stole anything or not? i definitely wouldn't say the "worst part of all this is noone said if i was fired or not" that's retarded. Its pretty simple, if you stole something and they have you on tape, you're going to jail most likely. If you didn't steal anything than they don't have you on tape, and I would quit the job. If your boss actually does call the cops and presses false charges against you, I would sue his ass in court for slander or libel or whatever its called.
  17. Yeah, honestly if you know anything about makeup products you know what you want, and its a lot easier for my wife to go find those couple things or whatever for that person, than type out a list that is probably pages long.
  18. Ok, so we have approximately $4000 worth of Mary Kay products that are no good to us. My gf stopped selling these products in the past month or two and this is the last of her inventory. The price is 60% OFF retail. So for example if you find a face cream you like that is normally $10 in store, you can get it here for $4. I will also give a discount if you buy more than 5 items. I cannot begin to list what all we have here, so I won't. But if you or or gf/wife/mother/sister uses any Mary Kay, I'm sure we have something. I will also sell the ENTIRE lot of Mary Kay products including bags/extras for $1000, that's a 75% discount! Thanks
  19. i would recommend taking the class versus just the test. for a couple reasons... one, taking the test is pretty hard on a sportbike because the handlebars do not have a good turning radius because the hit the tank, and you have to be able to do some tight corner turning. two, if you drop the bike in class, no biggie, even if you break it, my gf dropped hers and snapped the mirror off/dented the tank, they said oh well, get up and keep going. three, you get to ride different kinds of bikes, I took mine on a dualsport, which i'd never ridden but it was fun as hell to play around on.
  20. yeah, you dont have to have your license to ride, just your temps which you can get in 15 minutes by taking a computer test that is multiple choice just basically about safety. to get your license you have to take a riding test as well. my class was $25, and me and my gf did it together, so it was $50 for everything, including using their bikes/gas to ride on. Just show up and go, you have to have a long sleeve shirt, gloves, a helmet and boots/high top shoes that cover your ankles.
  21. i did mine and the broad street bmv, it was $25. I took the riders edge class just for fun and to make sure i was doing everything right. I had been riding for 3 years but it definitely was fun and worthwhile. Oh i know the 750 is plenty fast stock, you'll need a lot of seat time to be able to outride that bike with ability. I'm sure insurance is a lot cheaper on that than a $15k car too. make sure you get gear and ride safe.
  22. sweet! i miss having a bike but other things take priority. So does this mean your just going back to a stock sixxer and having a fast bike?
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