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Everything posted by Bam

  1. Really first off I need a working ecu, mine's fried since the caps leaked. After that and I get it running properly I'm going to throw some mods at it. Mr. Wright, I called and spoke to a Jeff at IPS this morning and he wasn't able to help me, he said 1g's are outdated....but that he could help me if I stepped up to an EVO. Well thanks jackass, you wanna give me $30k for one? No, ok then, don't expect everyone and their mother to have one. Sorry if that was abrupt, I just didn't get one ounce of help from him and was a bit frustrated that you guys list parts on your website, yet have nothing. Oh well. So in short, I'd like a working Eprom ecu. After that, a TBE, big 16g, bigger ic, and plenty of other things, but not really finding much local so far.
  2. Hey....ya never know.
  3. I need some parts for my 1g turbo, and can't find much used, so I guess I'll have to look at shops, any local ones?
  4. I've been talking about it on and off for a few years, I have no real reason to stick around except for the fact that I want my daughter to grow up knowing her family, and everyone's in columbus, and friends, but if I could find a nice job, nothing spectacular, I'd definitely make the move, there's just that uncertainty. Good luck to you if you do it, sounds like you a lot going for you should you decide to make the move.
  5. I know someone who's been wanting to buy it, with cash in hand, for 5months or so since we've talked.... <-----------------------
  6. I need an ecu for my 90 turbo fwd 5spd dsm. thanks
  7. Bam

    CR Dad Night Out

    .........raises hand.... I'm down...
  8. Does it/will it need anything in the near future? How are the tires/brakes? Original clutch? Any idea on timing belt/water pump or other maintenance that has been done? Clean title? How long have you owned it? Thanks Matt
  9. 2 people died here, one got ran over, one got shot. Reading pwns you!!!
  10. Bam

    Hello Recession

    House too? If so, bravo to you. I live by that too, nothing is worth paying extra for (interest) unless its not really an obtainable goal. Only debt I've ever had is my current mortgage, and that's all I ever really plan on, I don't use credit for anything, and its much less stressful.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HOLY BIG SIG ALERt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Bam

    Hello Recession

    Chase is currently at 5.375%, or 5.625% for a streamline, both 30 year fixed.
  13. Bam

    Hello Recession

    I'm looking forward to it, I'm going to refi from my 6.5% 30 yr fixed down to a 5.375% 30 year fix, score for me!! But I agree, its a scary thought of what's going on in america, people got so used to debt its sad. I work in a bank and can't count how many people each day I see making the MINIMUM payments on their loans/credit cards that are in the $10's of thousands of dollars. I try and laugh but its not funny anymore, its scary. But its ok, they've got that nice big house, sweet new car, and life is good.......
  14. What exactly is the HKS VPC and where can I get one? I've gathered it replaces the mafs, but I need to know more, and what they go for new... thanks
  15. hahaha, draaaaaaank things like this just really show how retarded hip hop songs have become
  16. I would like to test a good MAFS on my car if possible, if not I'll buy one. I've got a 90 laser turbo, that's having hesitation issues and runs better if I UNPLUG the mafs. Located in bexley, but can meet wherever. I have a heated garage if you don't mind stopping by. Beer/whatever provided.
  17. ok, guess i'll look for a new one, i'm guessing it'll run rough without a mafs plugged in because the systems looking for one, right, lol. i know it sounds stupid, but Im just stumped that it runs BETTER without it plugged in. thanks man
  18. Hmm, its possible I guess, the car is stock, maybe I'll unbolt the exhaust and see if that helps. Does it make a difference if it runs better without the mafs plugged in? What could that mean? I have a reciept showing a new mafs within the last 8k miles, so i doubt its bad, but I dunno...
  19. Yep, down to the paper filter, 75k miles, some old guy owned it.
  20. its a 90 laser rs turbo, 5spd. Runs good under WOT, but in the 2-3.5k range and after a shift under medium throttle, it hesitates/won't accelerate correctly. If you try and floor it while its doing it, it takes a second to pick up like its floored, then the turbo spools and its fine... its almost like horrible lag, but its not because if your on the hwy at 60mph or whatever, it seems to lurch/hesitate sometimes then too... any ideas?
  21. $150 plus my steelies/tires (2 are good) ??
  22. how hard is it to change an injector on one of these cars? He says it needs one and I've never seen under the hood of these....i'm checking it out in the morning...thanks for the link
  23. Was his name Doug by any chance?
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