Congrats, looks sweet!! Don't even bother bringing it up to Ohio, lol. I live in Columbus and for the past 3 years we've left our boat down at Norris all season long, the water is SOOO much better.
Don't power turn, don't power load it, wipe it down religiously, know that it'll only reverse to the right until you learn how to swing it around, it won't steer in neutral so in tight areas get used to bumping in & out of gear to maintain control but keep speed to a minimum. Surfgate likes a little bit of a list to the surfside so either move people weight or fill the bags like 80/100 depending on which side you're surfing on. Practicing driving/backing w/ the trailer, when backing put your hand at the bottom of the steering wheel and whichever way you want the rear of the trailer to go move your hand that way, and while backing LESS is more in terms of steering/turning the wheel etc.
I'm sure my list could go on and on, I've grown up on inboards and have bought 2 new ones in the past few years, splitting time between Norris Lake and Lake Cumberland.
Here's a couple pics of mine...and tower stereos rock and surfing is a blast, haha.