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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. LOL - thanks for the incorrect piece of psychoanalysis, jackass.


    Next time I won't go out of my way to be diplomatic when criticizing your queer little videos. What should we expect next? An Integra "annhilating" an eighth grader on a 10-speed? "YES! YES! YES! You totally annhilated that kid, K-Dog, for rizzle mah mofucka! Hey, let's kiss, then drift!"



    This just made my day. I can't stop laughing. LOL

  2. I go riding about every weekend when its nice. We ride on the back roads during snow falls. Good times. There is a place to ride off of 23 along the river. Its just a place to mess around though, no long trails or anything. There is cool round track, if you like to open it up alittle.
  3. corey i heard u blew up ur car or something like that and cost like 8k in damage. is that tru if so what happen. i heard it was from nitrous.


    Not sure why it caught on fire. I have my therory of what happened but he didn't even have his bottle in the car, so it really wasn't nitrious related. The insurance covered it and it did cost about $8k to fix. He was without his car for about 3 months, just got it back last month. I believe he is putting the nitrious back on over the winter but I am not sure.

  4. I carry a glock 9mm. I can carry and use as I deem necessary. And if your going to carry, be prepared to KILL. You don't want to shot someone that can make up a different story from your. Think about it.....someone tries to rob you with a gun and you shot them in the shoulder, they are going to lie about ever having a gun and that you robbed them. But, shooting someone should be a life or death situation. I see no problem for anyone to get the CCW, but whether you carry is up to you. And it sucks that every establishment that you go into dosen't allow CCW.



  5. Well I have heard that Linn has never seen the back side of a mustang..


    So I figured I'd show him mine..


    well, you heard wrong. He has lost to my brothers mach1 twice.

  6. yeah he did both, 12.8 on motor. He was running 100 shot. He should have been in the 11's. He should have 1.6 1.7 60s. He will get there next time. First time on spray he wasn't sure how to launch it.
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