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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. some bolt-ons nothing too major....I guess Lambert put a S/C on his car too and want to race cory. You three should all line up together, would make a great video!!


    FYI - I am Cory's borther and he dosen't get on here often thats why I am replying. I am sure he will chime in when he gets on.

  2. its cool. Cory didn't want to say too much that night because his tranny was going out. It went out about 30 min later. lol. Oh well, everyone should have some good races come spring. I would like to get car that I could race with ya guys but who knows.
  3. Originally posted by yellowsnake:

    sorry to let ya know 2000Silvergtp i'm not all talk.

    I wasn't referring to you. However, you are showing a lot more maturity on here than you did in Circleville. At the time I did think you were all talk, because you wouldn't race for the fun of it. I know your car is fast, I was talking about the guys who say they have fast cars and never race them. I know you race.
  4. Originally posted by yellowsnake:

    so who is "the fastest car" in circusville now days. i dont live around there so haven't heard much.

    Probably one of the preimered civics with NOS yo graemlins/jerkit.gif No really, I would agree with cory, probably the guy from kingston (its rumored to run 9s!!!) and its streetable. JR, according to your times I would say you are pretty close. Who knows though, so many people are all talk. Maybe if we start passing the word, this spring/summer we can find out who has the fastest car, meet some where and race. Thats my solution! :D
  5. I agree, its not exactly what the car has. You have to be able to put it to the ground and the ability to drive it. I have never seen anyone outdrive Cory, thats one thing he has in his advantage. It has won him several races.


    I also get sick of people in Circleville talking about who has the fastest car. But the people with "the fastest car" never race! There are a few fast cars in Circleville, but the majority is ricers.

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